Wading Through The Brambles

Choosing a title is always fun for me although this title might be a little confusing. Maybe it will make sense if you read this entire post! February is leaving us in a series of unseasonably warm days unfortunately. Many people are relishing the warm spell and I can’t say I blame them but this year’s maple syrup season is in question. I typically wait to tap trees until March 1st and this year is no exception. But the long range forecast is less then ideal. Very warm for this time of year.This may prove to be an insurmountable challenge. Recent coolant system repairs to the tractor with Mike The Mechanic seemed successful on Monday but by the time I drove it back to the farm something was horribly wrong. We need the tractor to work the sugarbush so I have a huge problem now. I had to just walk away from it as Tuesday was a fully booked day and I was scheduled to stay in the Adirondacks. So this post is headed in a direction of negative energy which will not help me solve my issues . Being here in the Adirondacks until Friday will give me time to focus. I am staying at a new Airbnb in Saranac Lake and the location is perfect for reflection . Off across the village the mountains are visible from this lofty vantage point. Today I will set my challenges aside and concentrate on the hike that’s planned. There’s a whisper in my brain where the practical side of me says not to sugar this year. The stubborn side of me says absolutely not! Good thing I don’t need to decide today! Getting outside on the trails will quiet the whispers. I need to remember something very important! I have been challenged before. Time and time again. Knocked flat to my knees and worse. And time and time again I’ve taken my feet. Wading into the brambles where there’s no visible path. I’m confident that I will emerge from the other side. Maybe scratched up a little but pushing forward. I needed to write this today for myself. Negativity is not the answer.

Morning moon set.

This winter has been memorable though. Remember WHIMS? Winter has its moments. Living in the tiny cabin has been good for my spirit energy. I am much closer to nature on the farm. Driving less as I am already there. Waking up and closing out my days there. It’s easier to throw myself out onto the land and get things done. I’m more inclined to wander off into nature also. At night I often stand on my tiny porch landing and gaze up into the sky. The moon has been incredible lately! Mesmerizing and hauntingly beautiful! I’ve managed to get a little snowshoeing in when we had decent depths of snow back in January and as recently as last week. I’ll be working on some stories from those excursions when I get them assembled in some worthy content. Today is not a day of creation for me it seems. I am preparing for the hike and that’s where my mind is wandering. But I wanted to clear my head some,check in, and tell you some simple truths. Everyday is not perfect or without concerns. MOONTABS is not all fun adventures. Some adventures are of a different sort. I humbly acknowledge my blessings and my struggles. I am grateful for my return to better health. For a surge of energy that’s returning. Looking forward to new experiences and time with new friends. The universe is bringing certain things together I’d like to think. Things are headed in a positive direction for the most part these days. I must accept those things I can not change and work through those things I can. It’s time to go into the forest to wander. Something’s waiting for me there. How do I know? Because it’s always been that way and forever will be that way. Connections to nature can’t be broken for me. It is enough.

Beaver Creek recently.
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