Thoughts For The New Year

2022 is upon us already! Seems like the past couple months have been a blur quite honestly. Work,the holiday season, parties, gatherings, etc. My work adventure in Lake Placid has entered a new reality of part time work as December fades behind us. It’s time to catch up on those things back in the valley that took the back stage for much longer than I intended. A new MOONTABS strategy is brewing . It must be implemented in 2022 I have decided. There needs to be a greater blog presence that encompasses the daily rhythms and hiccups of my life. I feel there may be a larger connection to positivity that remains hidden at times. It could emerge from the shadows of negative realities that so many people face including my own. It’s going to take some heavy thinking to take that chance and a greater balancing effort of time on my part. I think the message that I am attempting to send is that of recognizing the positive energy that can exist in the smallest details of daily routine. In those things that occupy much of our time. The importance of those moments can be lost when we fail to acknowledge them. My plans for 2022 and all of time beyond will manifest themselves from simple routines and activities. The word ordinary is in the word extraordinary. That magic that happens during a “run of the mill” day. Watch for the story titled “The Run Of The Mill”.

Today I once again postpone the larger story as it must be told properly and with many words. Today’s schedule is booked and waiting for me hit the timelines of appointments and details. A new adventure is but days away now and another immediately behind that as January enters its third week. Our calendar for 2022 began to take shape well in advance. That’s something that Jennifer and I share in common. Planning. We have learned that flexibility will play a huge role in all we schedule. The positivity lives in the desire to stay in motion and chase adventure. We can’t predict tomorrow but we certainly can prepare for it. If all this seems a bit confusing that’s because that’s my intention. To remind everyone to expect the unexpected and face it with a tenacious attitude. Make plans to escape the run of the mill when opportunities present themselves.Schedule your vacation time and don’t look back!Sorry no stories today. Just an update and a brief check in. Creativity is rarely far away but often takes a backseat to daily details. It’s going to take some time on my end to get this right. Btw! Don’t forget to watch for my words and photos on the Facebook group Just Go Outside. You will find short segments of my life there when I am silent here. It’s a fun group! Let’s all make 2022 count! With hopes and dreams filled with promise! Forward momentum. I call it “MOONTABS In Motion”. That’s a larger story that bids its time.✍️

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