The Ghost In The Machine

I am very frustrated at the moment as my second post for the Canadian bush series of 2023 stubbornly persists in refusing to upload despite my best efforts to launch it into cyberspace! So while you wait I decided to try a mini post as an attempt to unravel the problem. Unravel is a fine choice for a descriptive word as I myself am becoming unraveled! Unhinged is another great word to describe my frustration! It’s like there’s a “ghost in my machine” a reference to an 80’s Police album that had some neat cover art as we entered the digital age in earnest.

I have a call into the blog’s administrator for technical assistance and hope to hear from him shortly. On a side note I offer you this consideration:If you only could see some of the comments I receive on a weekly basis! Obscene best describes some of them! Others are probably hackers hard at work storming the walls of cybersecurity. Some are advertising firms wanting their products brought into the site.My trash bin truck hauls loads of trash to some cyberspace incinerator where they cease to exist!

This is turning into some sort of new adventure! A test for my spirit energy! It’s driving me a little crazy and it’s time to have some coffee with maple syrup! What you don’t realize is that I am testing categories and tags in those past 3 sentences! We will fix this problem and get back to the stories soon! So please come back soon and watch for the blog post: Returning To The Bush. Until then MOONTABS!

Posted in Adventures, Discoveries, Uncategorized, Welcome and tagged , , , , , .

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