The Gambles of Decision

Week 9.Day 1 in the rearview mirror as darkness overtakes me here at Draper’s Acres campground near Lake Placid, N.Y. I cruised down to Keene to do a little post work leaf peeping along Cascade Lake. The leaves are approaching peak now and it’s a constantly changing landscape. It’s difficult to capture such beauty in photos. Throwing myself right into it works best for me. It’s a beautiful area in any season quite honestly. I had another mission in mind as well! A fun one! The Powerball jackpot was at $685 million! I rarely gamble but sometimes it’s fun to dream. I think of all the good that I could do with those sort of funds!But the odds are steep at 1 in 292 million.No matter! I played a few bucks for some recreational dreaming! I don’t mind earning money the old fashioned way at any rate.But money is a subject not worthy of a place on this blog. I just wanted to point out that I am not impervious to games of chance. I took a gamble working this year in the first place. We had big plans for the summer. Did we succeed or fail at those plans?It’s a slippery slope at best! We can’t predict so many things in these lives of ours. If I had to assess this past summer I would have to say that we lived it well in this game of decision and deed. A gamble? Perhaps. Throw buying the travel coach into the mix and everything changed.It’s been an incredible learning curve living here in campsites these past few months.Call it the proving ground. I decided not to wait for that perfect time to fit it all together. Is there ever a perfect time anyway? Sometimes you need to follow the energy. It felt right. As for all that has followed? A forward path of positivity.The unknowns can be frightening and overwhelming. We have faced a few them this summer. This past year plus now. I have faced them myself. We can only control so much. That’s when we gamble. Make decisions. Some things challenge everything. I bet on love and roll those dice. I really don’t need to bet on love. It’s a sure winner in the end. I also bet on nature. It’s a 100 percent payback with little investment. Call it your go to place for a secure return. Time and the seasons are the currencies in that reality. There are no complicated equations or strategies. Step outside and the investment is made in the moment. In these Adirondack mountains I have invested well! Placing myself and those I love in this beautiful place. That was the gamble. Of time and season. I would have to say we won! Maybe not the ultimate jackpot but one well earned. If there’s a message here it’s simple. Skip past what holds you back.Dream big and follow through. Why not? Losing doesn’t matter. Playing the game of life with everything you have does! Play fair and often! Kindness is free. The weeks pass and my time here working ticks away with 4 weeks remaining at this point. Zane and I hiked two more of our Lake Placid 9 peaks this past weekend. Only two remain. We are hoping for some sunny weather and mountain top views as we complete them soon. Weather. A gamble always. I’ll keep you posted. Good climbing!


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