The Blog For Bob!

This will probably be my shortest blog post ever! It’s a joke actually and meant to highlight a certain individual in Tupper Lake, New York.Who is Bob and why do I write of him? It might take a bit more background information to get the story told. After all how well do you even know Tupper Lake? Enter a new character.

For those of you who follow my story you know that I spend a lot of time camping at Fish Creek and Rollins Pond State Campgrounds. Work and play mixed together for a unique Adirondack living experience. I pack a lot of things from home before towing the camper up but usually stock up when I reach Tupper Lake. I find it easier get my groceries there and stock my shelves. I like the big roomie Save-A-Lot grocery store parking where I can park the truck and Airstream while shopping. I find pretty much everything I need there. The staff are friendly and helpful when I can’t! I quite often grab my firewood in Childwold at a roadside stand then tend to spread my business around town once I get parked.

It’s important to note that I don’t ever bring firewood up from the valley. Transporting firewood more than 50 miles is illegal in New York State although it’s difficult for the authorities to enforce the regulations. The law is in effect to deter the spread of invasive insects that can hitchhike within the firewood. I buy locally sourced firewood which benefits everyone especially the local citizens around Tupper Lake who sell it.I hit several local vendors at random and spread my purchases around town. One of my favorite vendors is a fellow named George. He’s always cheerful and eager to chat. Most places are self serve and there’s no human interaction. Regardless it’s nice to be contributing to the local community near where I’ve parked my rolling home.

But what about Bob? (wasn’t that a movie?) It’s a rather simple story actually. I shop at a local grocery store in Tupper Lake called Shaheens’s on occasion. They have a great selection of items,quality meats, and a nice collection of hard ciders. The staff is super friendly and they keep baggers at the end of the checkout. They will even carry your groceries out to your vehicle if you have several bags. Things move quickly at Shaheen’s and they easily accommodate the busy summer crowds. I was standing in the line one day this summer when I first noticed the very animated bagger whom I was soon to know as Bob. He was cheerful and greeted everyone as they came through the door. He knew some by name and would always say something that would make them smile! I liked him immediately for his friendly demeanor! I had never seen Bob before and things were about to get interesting!

It was my turn at the counter and I was being checked out when Bob began joking with my cashier. I couldn’t help but jump into the conversation eventually.I told Bob that he was an interesting fellow and would he mind if I wrote about him on my blog. “You’re a blogger” he asked? “What do you write about?” My reply: “Nature things mainly but I could make an exception for you! What’s your name?” Bob wouldn’t tell me name and told the cashier don’t you dare tell him! Someone nearby blurted out “ His name is Bob!”. I grabbed my bag of groceries from Bob and headed for the door. I turned back to Bob and said “ It’s going to happen sometime!”

Several months have passed and I had shopped at Shaheen’s several times but never saw Bob. In fact I had forgotten his name and the joke of writing the blog. That changed suddenly last week as I headed up towards the cashier to checkout my small basket of groceries. There he was in full force! The same animated character joking and greeting customers while bagging the customers purchases. I got to the checkout and greeted my bagger with a smile! “ Remember me? I never get around to doing that blog post on you! I forgot your name!” Bob looked at the cashier and said “ Don’t you dare tell him!”. The cashier was laughing and remained silent! Everyone in line was listening and smiling! The man behind me suddenly spoke up! “ Just tell him your name Bob!” More laughter!As I left for the door I turned to the crowd and said “Get ready the post will be coming soon!”. I mentioned the page address to the curious customers and went out the door.

When faced with waiting in line at a busy store it’s always nice if people are talking and engaging with each other. Levity is even better and it always makes the time more pleasant. It’s a small thing really to be polite and patient with a cashier who is pressured to perform quickly. I find the automated self checkouts are becoming more abundant around the North country these days. There’s something lost in that modern place of technology. Human interaction is important for a good shopping experience as far as I am concerned. And people like Bob make the experience entertaining.

So here it is folks! The short post dedicated to Bob! I hope to see him again and let him know that it’s been written! I wish to thank all the good people of Tupper Lake who work hard to make our Adirondack time more pleasant! We encounter them in the stores, restaurants, and in small shops. We truly appreciate all your efforts!

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