What Color Is My Next Chapter?

November 2nd. Zane’s birthday today! It’s 5:19pm and very close to the time of his actual birth give or take an hour or two. Zane becoming 20 today really gives me pause to reflect. But honestly? When aren’t I reflecting about something? To keep it simple I must acknowledge several gratitudes. First that I am fortunate to have Zane living with me presently! Although some of his nocturnal wanderings can give me anxiety! I never know what time he will roll in. The fact that I even have a 20 year old son is noteworthy. As is the fact that we still enjoy each other’s company most of the time. So I am feeling blessed tonight ! I still have vivid memories of the evening he was born. That moment when my life would change forever.Yesterday was the 7 year anniversary of my retirement. Thursday was my last day of my full time critical shortage work on the methane project. These are the simple facts. I am about to write a new chapter of my personal life journey story! And a strange blog post title occurred to me suddenly. A continued introduction to myself in a sense. Sense becomes a key word as this new chapter begins to be written.

Change seems to be a big part of my life really but isn’t that true for everyone? In this the 1st day of the 11th month I truly begin to reflect on my year. I was fortunate to move beyond the health issues I experienced in January mostly unscathed. My daily medications serve as stark reminder each morning though. I was lucky! The universe responded to my calls in late January and a new chapter began that would see me frequently in the Adirondacks until my work would bring me back to the valley in late July. This chapter was a defining moment of my year. One of tremendous personal growth, discovery, happiness, and many special,private memories. But my growth as summer progressed did not come without bad decisions and mistakes on my part as it turns out. I was accelerating much too fast in the spin and blinded by forces that I could not comprehend. Difficult to explain or understand in some ways . Pain is a part of growth at times perhaps but a part that I would rather not experience or inflict on others. A lesson I learned too late this time to halt my impetuous forward momentum.It has cost me in emotional currency. A toll has had to be paid to keep moving in the flow. Looking back it’s almost surreal at times. The universe responds to the frequency we vibrate if you walk the paths of universal vibration and the Law Of Attraction.They are a study of mine. Sometimes we over shoot the runaway when trying to land on our feet. Will I grow from what I have learned? In time, yes!

Looking back at what I can’t change now makes me ask myself: What color is my next chapter? This I can say. Not written with black ink with dark bold letters on ghostly white paper. Cold and haunting in their intent. Black does represent something positive though. Black is the gift of night and shadow. Found in nature everywhere. I will not choose to falsely vibrant and use bright imitation man made colors that don’t resemble anything that looks like me. That is artificial and false for me. I hope to paint my next chapter with earthy browns and natural greens. The blues of sunny skies,water, and beautiful eyes. The grays of cloudy snow laden clouds filled with blinding white snow flakes falling with mesmerizing silence. The reds and oranges of the rising and setting sun. So many more colors live in nature with which to paint. Ones that invite with honest simplicity. Ones that solidify integrity and honest testimony. Truthful confession in the midst of confusion. A colorful path to seek out and follow even when I must limp up it.

What flavor is my next chapter? Bitter or sour? Distasteful and unpalatable? Served cold with a side of cynical? I am certainly not planning on that. I am hoping for the taste of fresh maple syrup on ice cream. Deliciously sweet and making you crave more of my sugar house creations. The taste of freshly picked berries plucked from dew soaked bushes on a summer morning. Raw and satisfying. Frozen to be enjoyed months later on a rainy autumn evening when baked into a pie.Or sweet fresh pressed apple cider from apples right off the tree. Tart and refreshing. A gift from nature. Most definitely maple infused coffee in a favorite steaming cup.Warming my hands as a new day begins. Those are but a few of the many wonderful flavors that enhance my life. How best to have them grace my next chapter?Share them perhaps?

What will my next chapter feel like? Freezing cold and icy with clinging frozen tears of failure that refuse to fall? Or burning hot? Scorching and searing with burning intensity? Burning bridges over raging rivers of doubt and indecision ? Thorny and prickly with hurtful wounding branches? Ripping and tearing at all they touch? No. If I am fortunate it will feel soft like delicate forest moss or the silky seed tufts of dry milkweed about to rise high on an autumn breeze. Or the soft caress of morning sunshine on my face. Maybe the softness of layers of scented pine needles on dry ground. To feel is to know you are still alive. That place where hope is found and your spirit energy resides with quiet resolve waiting to be released for a greater purpose .

What will my next chapter sound like? Raspy and harsh like a dead tree limb rubbing on a rusty metal roof ? Like squeaky hinges on a battered door hanging loosely on a neglected barn? No. I wish for my next chapter to sound like dripping sap drops falling into a bucket on a freshly tapped maple tree on a warming March morning. Like migrating geese high overhead. Strong and purposeful. Connected to nature’s call of survival. Or a buzzing honeybee landing on a clover blossom next to me. Working for the benefit of the hive. All these things and more I desire my next chapter to sound like.

And what will my next chapter smell like? Rotten and decaying like roadkill hit by a speeding driver? Left to be wasted and forgotten? Stale and musty like a moldy book? Tainted and offensive like fruit left in the sun too long?No. I hope my next chapter smells like apple blossoms in an orchard on a crisp spring morning . Like freshly mown hay on a hot summer night tickling my nose with a fragrant bounty. Like sun soaked balsam aroma wafting down onto a secluded mountain trail inviting me to stop for a moment. That’s just a few examples of what I wish my next chapter to smell like.

And you might read this far and think that I am somewhat negative in my direction of thought in this most unusual of posts. No. I am pensive and examining this moment in time. How did I get here? Why did I do certain things? How best to correct my mistakes if possible or at least and never repeat them. Ask those I have hurt for forgiveness and help them understand if that is even possible. How best to balance myself in the flow?How best to coexist with others and be kind. Learning to be a more supportive,better listener. There is no exciting destination here to send you off to with a set of directions. Not this time in this post.There is no map to the future. Just whispers from the inner spirit that needed to be written and shared as a continued testimonial of my life.Sometimes it’s hard to hear in the spin of Taz energy. Or slow it down. There is a connection to nature here. It lives in the five senses we possess and in the hidden one. The 5+1 I so often write about. This post serves to remind me of my many challenges and my personal struggles. And share that I am far from perfect. I am humbled by my own emotions at times. Lost at times to them but always trying to do better. I acknowledge and feel grateful for my many blessings. They are the mortar that holds it all together like the mud of hornet’s nest on the underside of a roof. MOONTABS come in different forms. I offer few answers but ask many questions at times. But today was a special day. A day to connect and attempt to make sense of it all. A beautiful new Adirondack destination to explore. The warmth of a campfire while snowflakes fell at times. A brief sun drenched moment on a rocky escarpment. A walk through open glades of forest where fresh beaver activity next to the pond offered a message. Prepare for winter in their case. Preparing. As in preparing to write the next chapter in my case. So what color is my next chapter? Only time can tell. ✍️

The Ok Slip Falls

It’s Friday evening November 1st and I just got settled into my room at the Faust Motel in Tupper Lake, New York well over the Blue Line of the Adirondack Park. Why I am here for the second time in a week is a question that is easily answered. I like it here! Zane and I stayed in the room next door for two nights when we came up to the Adks to celebrate his birthday early. And that story is what I will tell shortly. But as to why I am here tonight is a story of a different sort. The universe steers me at times and where we had intended to stay last weekend didn’t pan out. I was driving home from work last Friday tried to decide where we might stay when the word Faust popped into my head! Faust is considered part of the village of Tupper Lake these days but once was known separately as a village that was the location of a railroad depot. The Faust Motel is about the only remaining place keeping the name going today. I just learned this a couple years ago from a local person.Anyway I Goggled the Faust Motel phone number and left a message about securing a room. The owner contacted us while we were driving up and just like that we had accommodations! Good rates too! We found our room warm and inviting when we arrived. Plenty of room and there are no televisions! No problem for us. We were set! Step one was complete! We would be waking up already close to our destination. I feel asleep super early after my long day.

We slept well and for a long time into Saturday morning. I headed over to get coffee at the little place at the motel where the owner makes it. I met the owner and chatted with her for quite awhile as other guests came and went. Fun! I got Zane up and moving so we could get our day moving. We stopped at Chef Darrel’s Mountain Cafe in Blue Mountain Lake for a hearty breakfast of eggs Benedict and pie. We were ready to hike! Our driving destination was a trailhead just a few miles past Indian Lake. The trail to Ok Slip Falls is about 3 miles counting the short distance you must hike a long the highway first. It’s a really well maintained trail with board sections spanning muddy areas. Much of it covers high well drained ridges where it’s very dry actually. A pleasant surprise as quite often trails can be muddy herd paths. The trail winds through a couple nice stands of evergreens. The first stand predominantly large white pine and the second one mostly large hemlock. The forest is quite open in spots given the age of its trees and the highness of most of the canopy. Zane and I made good time on the trail where almost all the leaves had fallen recently. The distance we could see through the forest was impressive and much different then a summer hike would have been. The trail went up and down to a degree but nothing major. We eventually reached a dirt road with power lines a long it that we traveled a short distance before turning off. It appeared that we were on some sort of old logging road at times. Pretty decent hiking really. There were a couple small rivulets of water to cross but nothing of any size. The trail was about to change we suddenly realized as we topped out onto a ridge.

Off in the distance we could see some high bluffs with open rocky ledges. The land beyond where we had topped off fell away from us into what appeared to be a large valley of some size. I mentioned to Zane that somewhere down there would be a stream or river. We knew from the trail description that the Hudson River was back in that direction somewhere. It was all making sense that the falls would be showing themselves before too long. The temperature was pleasant and the sun would occasionally come out for awhile. Zane was down to his tee shirt but I still wore my hoodie. My blood thinner make me run a little cooler these days that’s all. But I am fortunate to be in good enough condition to hike. Even with my injured knee that I brace up each day. It’s going to need to be addressed sometime this winter as I can’t continue on this way. They suspect my meniscus is damaged but not totally torn loose. It’s rather bothersome and causes me a fair amount of discomfort each day. But staying off the trail when I wanted nothing more then to hike with Zane wasn’t an option for me. I was feeling pretty good actually and not really suffering. I was enjoying my hike with Zane! Just like old times!

The trail began to descend in a winding fashion into the valley. Before too long I heard the water fall. We got our first view soon after and it was very impressive! The next overlook was even better and there was a great view of the falls. There were a couple other people there and we had passed two groups of hikers headed back out as we made our way in. We took a few photos and went to investigate more of the trail to see if there was a way down into the gorge. But a sign stating end of trail appeared. We decided to go past anyway to see if there was a way down. Others had done the same and there was a very steep but crude descending trail. It soon got super steep and I had to stash my beaver stick trekking poles. Soon we had to use ropes that people had tied here and there to get down even steeper sections. I was getting very nervous and kept asking Zane if we should turn back but he kept insisting that we could make it. We reached a place where the trail became only a foot or so wide next to a steep ledge. To the left there were almost no trees and a rocky slide looking section that dropped over a ledge. Not a safe place to go and I was very s scared. Zane crossed it easily and coaxed me across it. Not my idea of fun! After that it wasn’t as bad with trees and roots to hang onto while descending. We eventually reached the bottom and stood next to a large pool of water. I spotted a small trout swimming in it shallow sunny section near shore. Zane raced ahead to the base of the falls and I caught up after awhile. I was a little shaky from the descent and it took me a minute to relax again. But the view was worth all the effort and risk it had taken to get down there. We got up close to the falls but had to watch for super slick rocks. The base of the falls was a jumbled pile of rocks of all sizes. Some were huge! We took more photos and I gazed up at the overlook where we had stood before descending. We were in a circular basin with high rock walls on three sides. Eerily beautiful and peaceful despite the hazards getting down. We made our way up with relative ease but it was rather strenuous. I found it less stressful climbing up and was glad when we crossed the narrow section of ledge with the potentially fatal drop off. But what an adventure! So much more then just sitting up at the overlook. We rested at the overlook and enjoyed a snack with plenty of water. It was time to make our way out.

The trip out was uneventful and I was beginning to tire some as my knee began to burn with overexertion. It seemed like a long trip but we made it out fairly quickly. We had done it! Made it to Ok Slip Falls! One of the highest waterfalls in the Adirondacks! Zane and I had bonded greatly from the experience. Something we both needed! Adirondack time never disappoints. The adventure was a true battery charging event even if it had worn me down physically. We still had daylight remaining as we made our way back to Tupper Lake so we stopped at Buttermilk Falls near Long Lake. Very easy to find and close to the road. Always a treat! Back at the room it was shower time and then dinner. I feel asleep early again and Sunday morning would find me having coffee again in the coffee room. Zane wanted to explore Lake Placid so we visited the Olympic Center where I had worked in 2021 and 2022. We hit some shops and a bookstore before grabbing lunch at the Pickled Pig. A fav LP restaurant of mine! On the drive home we hiked up to Mount Arab and climbed up the fire tower. Our weekend was ending but we had had a wonderful adventure! A little bit of everything! Hiking and waterfalls. Dining out and hitting shops. A true Adirondack experience! MOONTABS were made and for that I am most grateful!✍️

And The Wheels Turn

Day two of summer has arrived! Summer solstice burned in hot and humid yesterday. It’s been a very hot week and very typical for this time of June. I have spent most of June (to date) up in Saranac Lake working on a capital project on Amy’s house. After deliberating the scope and timeline an agreement was made with Amy’s carpenter friend Peter to do the project ourselves with me being an assistant. We started at the tail end of May demoing the old deck. Then the rebuild.It’s been fun and challenging! Amy’s choice of natural white cedar for the deck sealed the deal for me way before we even started. Way back in February when I arrived at her place to rent for the night for the first time she had shown me the project. She had mentioned the white cedar then. I was sold and time would lead my hands to the project. But not before the subtle dances of courtship followed a certain soundtrack. Enter the many hours traveling back and forth to see each other. The distance has been no hardship for either of us. The mix of time spent in the Adirondacks and the valley has a certain flair to it! And the wheels turned.

Safety first! That drop off is killer!

Where’s the time go besides covering those miles? Health concerns,procedures, and doctor visits eat through the hours like ravenous dogs. My knee situation is one ongoing problem. There’s more but the point is not to showcase my health struggles but rather acknowledge the investment of time it takes to overcome them. This has been a year of huge change for me. I stand pounds lighter and healthier these days. I have lost weight and overhauled my diet thanks in part to my wellness coach! Fate would bring Amy into my life at a time when I was needing change. And change has come in waves for me. And I ride an imaginary surf board at times. High on top,sitting at a dead calm, and sometimes tossed under kissing the coral. It’s all a little surreal at times and I feel like a bystander in some strange manner when I wake sometimes at 3am suddenly. But I am lucky! Blessed with the simplest of things when I need them most. The connections to nature can be loosened a little at times but fortunately never broken. I try to keep myself surrounded by nature as much as possible! And those little things found in nature become huge and meaningful in the passing of days. Perhaps I have learned to look for them better. My inner spirit batteries need a good charging to keep the balance! It’s working well and I continue to work on becoming a healthier me. It’s taking some time. And the wheels turn.

Eastern pond hawk visitor. A small wonder.

I have truly enjoyed my time in the village of Saranac Lake! Staying at Amy’s while working has been great. It keeps me off the road and helps me focus on the project. We sometimes get out onto the Rail Trail to ride our bikes for some relaxation time. The sight of the mountains always pumps me up! We have done some paddling as well on some of the nearby ponds and lakes. One morning while driving back from nearby Bloomingdale after picking up some lumber I was struck by the magnitude of the moment! Here I was! Right where I had sometimes envisioned myself as a future me. Living and working right in the village.Of course I could never have envisioned all of it! Too many things had to change first. And if it seems like I am in a different place these days on my journey it’s because I am! I am doing my best to move forward on this new path. Out beyond that crossroad I headed down in February. And the clock enters my schedule in new ways. It turns with the new season. All the extra daylight sure changes things but it’s easy to take it for granted since it comes on so gradual.That’s part of what I always attempt to capture here. There’s so much to see and do when summer hits. And if you are wondering. The wheels turn.

The Slow Turn as summer starts.

We will soon be done with phase one projects at Amy’s and take a little break there. We are about to open Camp Edith and get it ready for some summer times! Summer will also see me returning to some of my invasive species volunteering work. It’s all being placed on the calendar in neatly arranged time slots. Here at the Homestead there are things to keep up with every week. The small lawn grows quickly! We also have a tiny garden out by the silo. A fun little “throw and grow” project that we are experimenting with here. So time is balanced between two places these days. It’s working though. Things continue to get checked off the lists each week. We are due for a new series of adventures soon! It’s taking some planning to assimilate into each other’s lives we have learned. It’s no surprise or no big epiphany. It’s simply a new reality to share together. So the wheels turn! Between the valley and the Adirondacks. In the Adirondacks and in the valley. And all sorts of destinations in between! It’s all cresting a unique set of MOONTABS! ✍️

The tree of resilience.

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring continues to ramp up in the valley and things have gotten very green! The grass is really growing now and lawn work is way overdue!But priorities come in many different forms when a person interacts with nature! Lately it’s been a mix of work and play! Awhile back Amy came down for the weekend and we foraged for a variety of annual forage items. We started with burdock behind the barn. We have an abundance of it and the roots are edible if they are small. We got some decent ones! No worries ever running out of them! We have many!

Digging burdock.

We next targeted chives and leeks. Chives grow all over the open fields here in great numbers. Scissors work well to collect them into a container. For leeks we headed into the forest in parts of the sugarbush. They were still rather small but very potent so they would make a nice addition to the soup we were planning to create. There’s no shortage of leeks on the farm so we harvest the entire plant unlike what others do elsewhere. Some people only harvest one leaf from each plant! That’s ultra conservative but not something we need to ever do we hope. Our patches remain sustainable for now although two former harvest areas have all but disappeared since the forest die off of 2016/2017. We will continue to harvest responsibly and believe that we can manage to maintain a balance.


Our final forage item was the water loving species we call Cowslips. There’s a nice patch near the farm where it’s easy to quickly fill a grocery bag! Scissors also work well for harvesting these greens. We target the smaller leaves as the bigger leaves and blossoms are bitter. We were a little late to the harvest but still managed to find plenty of small leaves. Our foraging items were beginning to add up!

Cowslip patch.

Now the work of cleaning our items began! Burdock is especially dirty and takes some time to prepare. Cleaned roots were chopped into small pieces that would cook down in the soup. Chives are super easy to clean and chop up. Also into the soup. The Cowslips were washed and then boiled to reduce their size. The water was discarded and our boiled Cowslips were added to the soup. We were going for an all veggie type soup so no meat was added. Potatoes were cut up as well as a few carrots. We had a nice concoction going! In the crock pot it shimmered away for several hours. The result was a hearty and healthy dinner! For Sunday breakfast I made eggs with added chives and 10 year old aged cave cheese. Interesting story there to share sometime! I also made French toast that we smothered with maple syrup! Life was good! We live in the land of plenty! Knowing how to forage enhances the connections to nature!

Cave cheese and chive eggs with French toast!Yum!

Amy had to return to the Adirondacks Sunday afternoon and I was missing her already so I decided to do some work up on the hill. There was a log that needed to be brought down for firewood that had blocked a sap haul road earlier in the season. While I was up in the Mother Tree area I targeted a bunch of invasive wild honeysuckles that were taking over the clearing. The Mother Tree was tapped this spring for the first time in years along with several others in the area. It’s a large three tree cluster that’s actually one set of roots. It easily carries 8 sap buckets! It sustained some damage during the die off but survived mostly intact fortunately. Most of the former Mother Tree Loop that we used to tap suffered grievous losses so it’s been abandoned. I got pretty wild ripping up the invasives once I got started. I may have won a small battle but we are still losing the war. See the old post “The Battle Of Evermore” for further details. Before I quit for the evening I also drew out a 16 foot butternut log that the tree trimmers had cut near the power lines by the road. It may make some nice lumber and needed to be salvaged regardless.

Ripping up the invasive honeysuckle!

The week started productively and I put down the remaining 2” planks in the former woodshed so we could stack sap buckets in there to dry. My friend Gary came to help me wash buckets after I had done 100 the prior day. We finished all of them and some other sugaring gear. I hauled water from the spring like usual as I can pump it much faster that way. There’s still the main evaporator pans to pressure wash and the big storage vat. I am running behind! I have enjoyed two days of brown trout fishing down on Henderson Harbor and out on Lake Ontario with Gary and his son. He has a nice setup for trolling! I learned something new and even drove the boat a little! I caught my first two brown trout ever and ended up eating them. They are ok but not my favorite fish! It was a great experience though and we had the water mostly to ourselves!

Getting set up for trolling!

I headed up to Amy’s on Thursday of that week to participate in a spring cleanse with her. It involves special food and drinks. Teas and no sugar to speak. We dined on a rice and mung bean dish called Kitceri although with vegetable juice we made ourselves. We were supposed to stay somewhat idle but we ended up doing a lot! I bought a bike from a local bike shop in Saranac Lake. What a great store and the owner John is awesome! Check out “Human Power Planet Earth Bike Shop”! I decided to buy local in the Adirondacks and support local small business. It was a great choice! I love my bike! We rode twice that weekend and visited the “Slow Turn” for some reflection time. Always a good idea! We also hiked into a somewhat remote pond for some water viewing nature time. Rain would slow us down at one point but we enjoyed a healthy spring cleanse that my body no doubt needed! Amy knows the ways of healthy living and she’s a tremendous help getting me to a healthier lifestyle!

Biking the Rail Trail.

Last week would find me traveling many miles! Returning from the Adirondacks Monday. Fishing Lake Ontario Tuesday. Picking up a friend at the Dexter airport Tuesday night and a trip to Cooperstown with him on Thursday. I found time to volunteer at the IRLC Ferrone Woods Preserve in the Town of Macomb on Wednesday where a new trail system is going to be developed. We had to remove some deer hunting stands and blinds as part of the transition here. It a lovely and unique parcel that I will feature at some point. Friday was spent getting caught up on some miscellaneous details. We all have plenty of those! Saturday would find me way up in Chateaugay at a memorial service. Later shopping in a favorite store in Malone. I drove up in the “Blue Bomb”. My former Ford Focus that I gave Zane that he has given back. My neighbor Mike The Mechanic has assured me that it’s road worthy again after a new timing chain and other repairs. It’s my grocery getter and farm vehicle for running errands. A new old addition to the fleet! So last week I totally romanced the road!

The fleet.

There’s lots of other things being planned and discussed right now. Time will reveal what happens next. Getting caught up some at the farm is a big part of that. But taking time to charge my batteries out in nature remains a priority and a place of focus. Writing and blogging often get tabled unfortunately. But my spirit energy is recharged through motion. Always staying on the move. My knee problem continues to be a serious condition. I manage with it. My life is shifting as part of my forward momentum. My beloved Adirondacks are once again a big part of the shift. Meeting Amy, a woman of the Adirondacks also part of my shift. Things have aligned in so many ways and life is busy but enjoyable in the push for adventure.

The wall of Ferrone.

Discoveries abound in this new and exciting blend of sceneries. Life is changing fast just like the season. There’s something big happening right now! Worthy of its own blog post! They have shown themselves! The brown ghosts of May. I speak of the morel mushrooms! I found my first one of the season Friday. They now occupy my time and my refrigerator! So watch for my next post! It will showcase this special fungi and all it means to me! It’s hard to get it all written sometimes. I will try! Mornings are best for blogging! Fueled up with maple syrup infused coffee. Playing music. Enjoying the numerous birds who inundate my feeding area behind the tiny cabin. There’s always the trails amidst the trees here to explore. Sunrises and sunsets. Meals and mundane tasks to complete. There’s always time if we allow ourselves to catch our breath for a minute. That’s difficult sometimes. We are driven by a fast moving society. I am driven by other things as well. To seek and to learn. To expand my knowledge of the natural world. And to try and preserve my health and strength. I must learn to accept new ideas and new approaches. I must evolve in a sense. The old ways of my life that were harmful must go. It’s all so overwhelming if I let all those thoughts in at once.It’s all so very simple these connections to nature when I embrace that mindset and enjoy the simple things of life. Time and an older body may slow me down eventually but for now I won’t let it. I still have way too much energy to burn. 🏄🏻‍♂️🚀

Down To Earth

It’s been awhile since my last post and like usual a lot has been going on! I managed to get final sap boil done right ahead of going up to the Adirondacks to view the solar eclipse with Amy. She’s the reason I spend so much time in Saranac Lake. I will continue to respect her wish for privacy but will be including her presence in my posts as we have adventures together whenever time permits. We had wrestled with a location to view the eclipse as a large turnout was expected for the Adirondacks. I headed up on Sunday morning ahead of the eclipse and we got out to scout a possible location near “The Slow Turn”.We went to a stand of large pines Amy named “The Wisdom Keepers” first then hiked up to a nearby ridge top. It looked promising so we decided it was going to be our location to view the eclipse.

Finding a place to view the eclipse be like…😂

Monday’s weather was great for eclipse viewing! Fairly warm and sunny. We headed out early and got settled into our spot without encountering other people. We enjoyed snacks while waiting for the main event on a comfortable blanket. I rolled in some snow that was still hanging on minus some clothes for a comic relief moment! We got a nice laugh over that! As for the eclipse itself it totally exceeded our expectations! We watched it unfold with our special glasses and when totality hit it was truly a MOONTABS moment! The temperature drop was very noticeable and the birds went quiet as the sudden darkness overtook everything. I didn’t spend valuable time trying for photos as I truly wanted to fully experience the event. And then just like that it was over! Lucky for me I was in the Adirondacks as folks back home in the valley had clouds to contend with just as it occurred! Things continue to align for me and the coincidences can no longer be called that! There’s certain forces at work it appears! I embrace the alignment that arrived on tiny wings it seemed. Manifestations do work it appears! Consider it!

Eclipse viewing ridge. Now called Corona Heights!

Upon returning to the valley I continued to try and rest my knee which has been rather painful throughout the last weeks of sugaring season. I had gotten a cortisone shot recently but it hasn’t solved my issues entirely. I went perch fishing with my friend’s out near the St. Law. River two days in a row as a way to rest it somewhat which was beneficial. We hammered some really nice perch using two hook rigs tipped with tiny minnows! They sure are tasty fried up! Yum! What a great time!

Two day perch catch!

After that I have managed to bring in the remainder of the sugaring mini-tubes and buckets. Washing buckets begins later this afternoon and it’s snowing wet snow! Zane and I rinsed the tubing last week and pressure washed all the white storage containers. Progress seems slow at times but there’s always other things going on. The forest is greening up slowly and the tiny flowers I call the “tiny ones” are thriving despite the continued chilly weather we’ve been having. The muskrats were building up their old houses again recently and shortly after the rain events occurred with huge deluges over a two day period. Inches of rain fell so their predictions came true! I never doubt their advance warnings as they have been clearly accurate far too many times to even question it. How they know remains a mystery however. Too bad I couldn’t talk to them! What wisdom do they possess that they might share? Or is it simple intuitive behavior that touches them somehow? I remain in awe regardless and never see them as simple rodents who should be considered a lesser species. Perhaps we are the lesser species in our arrogant approach to nature and in our destructive tendencies. My spirit energy hints at a larger connection that we as humans have lost somehow. That sixth sense I now call the “5+1”. It is a worthy study to continue. Time, trees, and trails of discovery!

Rising high long before the storms hit!

Last week saw me attending a TILT event in Clayton. I helped with the tern grid installation out on Eagle Wing Shoal. The common tern is plagued by gulls and other predator birds on their nesting sites. The grid keeps the bigger birds out while the smaller terns pass safely through. After that I did some trail stewardship work for IRLC to finish out my day. If you’ve never read any of my posts describing theses two local land trusts then Goggle both TILT and IRLC to learn more about them!

Construction of the the annual tern grid.It’s rather complex when completed!

All of last week’s activities were completed to free up time for a foraging weekend with Amy. I will be featuring it soon as it’s a rather interesting series of events that’s connected to my attempts at better health. Natural food sources surround us here in the valley and several exist right here on the farm Homestead property! So until then this gets things caught up a little! ✍️

Preparing For Reentry

Syrup season has continued its rollercoaster ride into April now. The deep freeze that happened recently while I was back visiting the Adirondacks shut everything down again. But I got a chance to experience winter again as snow would blanket the village of Saranac Lake on a memorable Saturday. Time away from the valley is good for my focus and always enjoyable. My reasons for visiting the Adirondacks so much recently are rather private at the moment but I expect that to change eventually and I share a few things in time.

The red pines near Saranac Lake.

Returning to the valley would get me back on task. Helping Zane pick up a different car would involve a road trip to Port Leyden, New York. It was trailer time with the truck! Horsepower and loud music! Very fun day with my son. We got the car licensed for him which was an educational experience for Zane! Good stuff!

Ready to roll out!

I had added a few new taps as the smaller trees began to stop producing sap. Scattered around the string I targeted big survivor maples in the out of way locations. Some along the high bank beside the Rastley Road. I also cut my way into the old Mother Tree Loop.All together some 60 plus buckets were pulled and reset on fresh wood. There was a window of opportunity coming where it appeared we would get a possible decent run. A lot of work moving taps but it left me well positioned and satisfied by my decision. Call it an experiment! And the weather would hit just right! March 27th. A day that would see one of the biggest sap runs of this unusual season hit! The big maples would seal the deal. Full and overflowing buckets on many of the fresh taps. A respectable run across the string overall. We would bring in enough sap for me to light the fire and run the evaporator into the evening.

Over the top!

So I was moving forward to towards filling the 30 gallon barrel of commercial grade syrup. We were well past Dark Robust grade now. Firmly entrenched in the super dark “buddy” creation of late season. Bittersweet is a good way to describe it! The tree buds give it a signature flavor. I was planning another Adirondack weekend as the sap wasn’t going to do much I predicted and I was caught up again for a moment. Thursday was a day of many details. I picked up the last of the neighbor’s sap late that day. Thursday also found me busy getting things ready for a job in Saranac Lake on Saturday. Tree removal. I boiled again on Friday morning. The barrel was creeping towards the top!

Light show of sugar house circles!

Friday would see me safely arriving in the Adirondacks and ready for a Saturday morning tree job. The boys from Gouverneur who had worked up on Black Lake with us were scheduled for a 9am start. It was a tricky piece of real estate on a side hill but the neighbor agreed to let me get the wood and debris out on her property. It went quite well overall but there were a few unexpected problems! It the end all was well! The neighbor lady asked me if I needed any red bricks. Sure I said! I have a project where I needed them! So a large number of them were added onto the already heavy trailer for the trip back to the valley. What a load! I had quite a lot of fun hauling it actually! Pushing the truck up the hills and cruising the downhill stretches.

Setting the drop lines!

I went back up to Saranac Lake for Easter dinner and later enjoyed a nice trek off the rail trail with my friend. She’s actually more then a friend to me at this point but her privacy is important to me and will be protected as such. Time may offer glimpses into our adventures eventually but for now all that’s necessary are a few basic facts. My time in the Adirondacks has taken on a new meaning and I am spending more of it beyond the blue line. Enough said! Our walk took us back into the red pines that the locals simply call The Pines. It was amazing the transition that one week had brought! The snow was gone and spring was in the air. We communed quietly for some time below the towering,slender red pines. The word turn kept popping into my head. I was wishing for a special name for this unique place and my thoughts would gravitate towards its creation. I settled on the name “The Slow Turn” for the forest of red pines. Unusual perhaps but relevant to me. As I gazed skyward I perceived a circle of sorts above us. One that exists in a larger circle of all nature. Time passes here as it does everywhere. But I felt that in the natural order of changing seasons it was turning slowly. Thus the name!

The Slow Turn.

This week finds me hauling gear from the sugarbush. Pulling taps and buckets. Bringing in the storage totes from the mini tube runs. I gathered a small amount of sap from the most recently tapped large trees. It’s low grade stuff but will advance the level in the barrel.Final boil running water is next after today. The barrel will be topped off with carryover surplus dark syrup from last year. A held in trust moment! It’s raining hard this morning so the sugar house will be a nice place to work today! The forecast calls for snow! The tiny Mayflowers I found yesterday will be getting a surprise! No problem for them as they are very hardy little specimens of beauty! Foraging will follow the close out of sugaring. All in all I rate this season successful! Good because we lived it. Good because we participated in our annual hobby! My inner spirit is very much in tune with nature right now. A bonus of any sugaring season. There’s plenty of maple syrup to continue to lace my morning coffee! We have worked the trails and spent time amongst the trees. We were gifted greatly through the entire process! There truly is nothing like it! It’s all connected! The forest,the sugar house, and our passage of time throughout the changing season. It is enough! ✍️

The Mayflowers!

Maple Syrup 2024: Pre-Launch

It’s funny how things that might have been the focus of my recent anxiety can quickly disappear.When I last posted I was preparing to hike St.Regis Mountain with a couple friends but was a little hung up on the upcoming syrup season. The hike and the good company of my friends would shake off the ghosts that day! We had an excellent time and the rain would hold off until we had finished our trek! It was super windy at the top and scary up in the fire tower! It’s a hike worthy of its own post really!

Power trio!

As for the remainder of my time in Saranac Lake it too is worthy of its own post sometime! Certain things were happening in a strange twist of fate and my response to the moment and the energy would place me in a flow that was totally unexpected. I spent a cold Thursday at an event at the Wild Center in Tupper Lake. I truly enjoyed my company and walking around touring the facility. At the trout tank I had an interesting photo moment! There is a story coming that I will title: What The Fish Told Me.”I left for the valley on Friday March 1st with fully recharged mental batteries.Ready to tackle my problems and my hesitation about sugaring . March 1st is a tapping day typically but conditions were less then favorable. I wiped out miscellaneous details and got settled back into the cabin. Saturday was spent troubleshooting the tractor coolant issue. I found the problem quickly! A burst bypass hose on the new water pump. We had suspected it was pretty worn but the blowout confirmed it. I got online and ordered one. To date it still hasn’t arrived! Regardless I decided to set taps on Sunday and began hanging out buckets alone. I was using the Honda side by side in place of the down tractor and it worked out well. It was pretty warm which made for comfortable tapping but didn’t thrill me with the fact that there were several super warm days coming. By days end I was way up to my neighbor’s property and had hung 150 buckets by myself! A start and a commitment.

This trout had advice for me!

Monday would find me tapping more with my friend Gary helping out. Tapping trees and sugaring in general was all new to him but he was totally enjoying himself! He’s very in tune with nature and finds the landscapes of Macomb fascinating. The two of us did well setting in buckets and mini tube runs up across the neighbor’s property on a string we call the “Great Northern Loop”. It’s a productive string typically and we had invested some time into building the tubing runs last year. Less buckets means easier gathers. The mini tube runs are removed after the season ends,labeled,washed, and stored away.We did a few buckets also close to the trail. We stopped for a hearty lunch of venison stew that I made with meat Gary had given me. Yum!.Afternoon would find us setting buckets and mini tube runs on the “Southern Loop” on my neighbor’s property. We had a decent day and got out 94 taps bringing the count to 244.Zane helped me get the storage tank in place in the sugar house that evening. We also had to get the evaporator pans in place plus the various pipes for the flow systems. Progress was being made and quickly!

The crude map of the different strings.

Tuesday would Gary and I tapping on a section of my farm called the land. Buckets and mini tube runs on some big maples that survived the 2016/2017 tent worm/drought events. We also hung more buckets in miscellaneous locations along the string. The buckets that I had set Sunday had begun to fill with sap even though I considered the weather against it flowing. We used the side by side and plastic totes to do a sap gather that brought in over 100 gallons of clear sap! Not a bad start really as it was very warm! On Wednesday I went for groceries and fuel plus miscellaneous items needed for the week. I had contacted my tractor dealer Monday and had the hose I needed for the tractor expedited to their location where I picked it up. I tapped two big maples behind the barn that run mega amounts of sap most years. So with those 8 taps the count was at 358. A good number but the sap was not moving much still. I went under the lights and replaced the bad water pump bypass hose. I then proceeded to flush the coolant system with vinegar per Mike The Mechanics recommendation. It appeared that my tractor repair was successful! I went to bed rather beat but feeling like things were coming together.

Gary with a nice haul Tuesday!

Thursday would see my good friend Patrick Bourcy helping me set more taps! Remember him? He’s the creator of the Facebook group Just Go Outside and shows up in many of my blog posts. We did a variety of buckets on the growing string and mini tube taps on the ridge called Green Mountain. Our count for the day was 146 bringing our grand total to 504 taps. We were in a good place and as I stood on the top of Green Mountain a stiff cool breeze from the north would boost my spirits even further. A frost was coming that night and with all the good fresh taps we had a shot at a decent sap run! The work might just pay off!

On Green Mountain setting mini tubes.

And just like things began to change for me! Gone was the decision whether we should tap at all! We had! Gone was the anxiety about the tractor issues. It was fixed! Sure it had other issues but it was useable! I felt a rising energy within myself. Sure there was still plenty that could go wrong but we were trying to have a sugaring season and that meant everything! It didn’t matter now how things turned out. The weather was out of our control but the long range forecast was somewhat encouraging.Things were beginning to ramp up and what I was feeling was nothing new. Pre-launch is a “sit on the edge of your seat moment” like no other. A time when you question why you weren’t better prepared and ready. But such thoughts don’t help out at all. It’s best to just keep moving forward! So we will!And we do! Each and every year as our annual hobby arrives on the tail end of winter. Albeit a strange winter this year but there’s no changing that. We will make the best of everything and do our best. It’s a simple place of stubborn perseverance and resolve. The MOONTABS will tally up and we no doubt experience a most unique sugaring season. But it will not have been missed or canceled. That would be somehow wrong to me. After all someone once said: there are but a finite number of syrup seasons in a person’s lifetime. Who would write such a serious but truthful quote? Someone who values life and rural heritage perhaps. Someone who loves their hobby with a passion that borders on madness. Someone who loves to create things. Someone who knows that sugaring drives the hands and engages all 5 senses and the 6th as well. I think you know who wrote the quote. The inner voices whisper at times and fuel the inner spirit. The farm property is a place of grounding and connection. The world begs explorations and adventures but I will always be drawn back to the dripping sap drops that follow frosty nights. There is a place of blissful happiness there. But first we must launch! Things are headed in that direction. More so each day now. It is enough.✍️

Wading Through The Brambles

Choosing a title is always fun for me although this title might be a little confusing. Maybe it will make sense if you read this entire post! February is leaving us in a series of unseasonably warm days unfortunately. Many people are relishing the warm spell and I can’t say I blame them but this year’s maple syrup season is in question. I typically wait to tap trees until March 1st and this year is no exception. But the long range forecast is less then ideal. Very warm for this time of year.This may prove to be an insurmountable challenge. Recent coolant system repairs to the tractor with Mike The Mechanic seemed successful on Monday but by the time I drove it back to the farm something was horribly wrong. We need the tractor to work the sugarbush so I have a huge problem now. I had to just walk away from it as Tuesday was a fully booked day and I was scheduled to stay in the Adirondacks. So this post is headed in a direction of negative energy which will not help me solve my issues . Being here in the Adirondacks until Friday will give me time to focus. I am staying at a new Airbnb in Saranac Lake and the location is perfect for reflection . Off across the village the mountains are visible from this lofty vantage point. Today I will set my challenges aside and concentrate on the hike that’s planned. There’s a whisper in my brain where the practical side of me says not to sugar this year. The stubborn side of me says absolutely not! Good thing I don’t need to decide today! Getting outside on the trails will quiet the whispers. I need to remember something very important! I have been challenged before. Time and time again. Knocked flat to my knees and worse. And time and time again I’ve taken my feet. Wading into the brambles where there’s no visible path. I’m confident that I will emerge from the other side. Maybe scratched up a little but pushing forward. I needed to write this today for myself. Negativity is not the answer.

Morning moon set.

This winter has been memorable though. Remember WHIMS? Winter has its moments. Living in the tiny cabin has been good for my spirit energy. I am much closer to nature on the farm. Driving less as I am already there. Waking up and closing out my days there. It’s easier to throw myself out onto the land and get things done. I’m more inclined to wander off into nature also. At night I often stand on my tiny porch landing and gaze up into the sky. The moon has been incredible lately! Mesmerizing and hauntingly beautiful! I’ve managed to get a little snowshoeing in when we had decent depths of snow back in January and as recently as last week. I’ll be working on some stories from those excursions when I get them assembled in some worthy content. Today is not a day of creation for me it seems. I am preparing for the hike and that’s where my mind is wandering. But I wanted to clear my head some,check in, and tell you some simple truths. Everyday is not perfect or without concerns. MOONTABS is not all fun adventures. Some adventures are of a different sort. I humbly acknowledge my blessings and my struggles. I am grateful for my return to better health. For a surge of energy that’s returning. Looking forward to new experiences and time with new friends. The universe is bringing certain things together I’d like to think. Things are headed in a positive direction for the most part these days. I must accept those things I can not change and work through those things I can. It’s time to go into the forest to wander. Something’s waiting for me there. How do I know? Because it’s always been that way and forever will be that way. Connections to nature can’t be broken for me. It is enough.

Beaver Creek recently.

Jumping Ahead:The Catch 22

I have decided tonight to jump way head on my recent timeline and share my most recent adventure. At some point I will return to part 2 of the Mow Dawg story and finish the Quebec bush series in time. But since I returned to life on the Adirondack clock late last Sunday there’s a lot of current life to share! Not to worry as each story needs it’s time to be properly told!

Settled in at Birch’s Lakeside Sunday night.

Back during the summer I booked a 15 day campground stay in Cranberry Lake, New York at Birch’s Lakeside Campground. I got a good daily rate and the store out front is a nice perk! I pulled it together quickly and prepared the travel trailer to leave last weekend. It’s not a super long drive to Cranberry Lake and I got here fairly quickly. I even got parked and set up rather quickly. I had to run to go buy some firewood however and barely missed hitting a deer in the process!A campfire was in order and I enjoyed a late evening with no bugs!

Nice and toasty!

Monday would find me fine tuning my campsite and organizing for adventures. It was a calm and beautiful day here on the lake! I decided an afternoon hike was in order so Stella the dog and I headed right up the road to the Brandy Brook trailhead. It’s a lovely hike through the forest and at 3.4 miles in you find yourself at Brandy Brook Flow where the creek runs into the lake. The trail was littered with layers of freshly fallen leaves but many more still clung to the trees above. It was a very warm day and there’s been no rain in sometime so things are pretty dry. No mud on this trail! I took quite a few pictures as we leisurely did the 6.8 mile in/out trek. We only saw 2 other hikers. One fellow had set out to do the Cranberry Lake 50. A local hiking challenge that he planned to do in 3 days while camping each night. We had hiked enough by 5pm and returned to the campsite where I enjoyed and evening reading.

Floating leaves in a small creek bed.

Tuesday morning was spent writing a rhyming tribute to an elderly friend’s family. He had passed away late Monday evening and I was very saddened by the news as I had just seen him Sunday morning. I titled my story “The Falling Leaves” and it will be given to the family soon. Tuesday afternoon would find me unexpectedly teaming up with Patrick Bourcy ( the creator of the Facebook group Just Go Outside) for a late day assault on Ampersand Mountain near Saranac Lake. It was another warm day and we were both challenged to make the 5.4 mile round trip. But the views and our conversations catching up would lift me up to a better place. It’s hard to be sad when standing on the summit of Ampersand’s bare rock with beautiful fall foliage surrounding you on all the horizons. We didn’t make it out until after dark however as the descent was difficult for me. But a successful day had been lived.

From Ampersand looking towards Middle Saranac Lake.

Patrick and I teamed up again on Wednesday to see about getting some good content for our social media activities. It was another super warm day that we started with a couple waterfalls near here. We visited Twin Falls and Rainbow Falls for some great autumn shots. But more importantly we enjoyed the moment itself. Water, colored leaves, and the local historical ruins that nature is reclaiming. What’s not to like?

Twin Falls.
Rainbow Falls.

Our next stop would be a just past Tupper Lake to the Buck Mountain fire tower trailhead. It’s a short but ascending 1.2 mile trek up to the top where the 60’ steel fire tower steps await you. The 360 degree views are outstanding! We were still going strong but were getting pretty warm as it was close to 80 degrees after lunch.

Little Tupper Lake from the fire tower.

Just a short distance away Patrick and I tackled the Coney Mountain trailhead. Also short and sweet at about a mile plus with a circular ascending trail. Pretty rocky in spots but a great trail overall. Bone dry from the absence of any recent rainfall.From Coney you can look across and see nearby Goodman Mountain. Also a nice hike but we were out of time as we had an evening destination.

From Coney Mountain.

Our final trek took us just past the village of Tupper Lake to the Mt.Arab trailhead. Our plan was to stay until dark to maximize possible photo opportunities. Not to mention enjoy ourselves! But both of us were getting tapped out and the short but uphill hike really slowed us down! Even Stella the dog was beat! We made it in plenty of time to watch the sunset and meet up with a friend of Patrick’s Jessica. We all watched the sunset from our breezy perch in the top of the fire tower. I was entranced by the lights appearing down in the village where life was happening below us some distance away. The high peaks grew shadowy in the distance as the light departed and it was truly amazing! The hike out in the dark was ok but we were all pretty whipped!

Tupper Lake as night approached.

Thursday was a paddle day with good friend Jennifer up to Axton’s Landing above Tupper Lake along the Raquette River. The river was the lowest I had seen it in the several times that I have been there. We paddled upstream to the point that Stony Brook flows into the river. Our goal was to reach the Stony Brook Ponds to explore a section we had been unable to visit on a previous trip years ago. High winds had made it impossible to cross the ponds. We were lucky Thursday though although the current was rather swift in the winding twists of the upstream paddle to the first pond. Coupled with the shallow water and weeds it kept us paddling! Stella the dog was enjoying the ride which was great as she had really hiked the other 3 days of the week so far. We had no problem crossing the first pond then under a bridge to the next. We found a lovely sandy beach to relax from some snacks while Stella played in the shallows. It was so warm and pleasant considering it was October! We hadn’t realized it until we reached the shore but we were on a state owned primitive campsites with a fire pit,table, and throne privy up in the woods beyond the tent pad. We were at number 6 and later we identified most of the 5 others. We had a easier paddle back downstream in the current of the creek and river. Off to dinner at Amado’s in the village of Tupper Lake. Great place with great selections that you won’t find anywhere else!

Stony Brook Pond campsite view.

So here we are finally! Today! The wind was blowing hard all night and was still going strong this morning. Dark clouds were competing with a small sliver of sunshine that greeted me from my beach chair at the campground while having coffee. I took several photos and just relaxed into the morning. I had a plan though. A short drive to a local ghost town which I won’t name. I found it just as the locals had told me it would be. Several old buildings in different states of decay and neglect. The flat grounds were not mowed and were being overtaken by small emerging pine trees. It was once a busy place but now deserted.One that was reaching the point of no return. I felt a good energy there though. Not the creepy energy that can sometimes chill me in places similar to this. I didn’t try to enter any of the buildings and soon left for my next stop.

The ghost town of cabins.

The final stop of the day was just outside the hamlet of Wanakena a short distance from my campsite in Cranberry Lake. Wanakena is an interesting place with history and is known for the forest ranger school that is located nearby. My trek would take me onto lands managed by the school. My goal was a fire tower that was on a ridge somewhere there. I hadn’t bothered to do any prior research but a local at the store said I would easily find it. I parked along Route 3 and starting following a well maintained gravel road. Good so far! However the road suddenly forked and there were no signs pointing anywhere. I chose to go left as the lay of the land seemed more inclined for a fire tower. I went a short distance and discovered a trail marked ESF trail 22. It seemed to head slightly upwards so I figured I was headed in the right direction. But it soon began zigging and zagging without heading uphill so I returned to the road. I went a short distance but changed my mind and headed back to the fork. I took off in the new direction and shortly after ran into 3 women who had come from the fire tower. I asked a couple questions but didn’t ask about distance. One helpful lady said: “go until you see a yellow marker that is marked FT.”(FT for fire tower I assumed). So with a quick thanks I continued on. The road was smooth and the forest along it was vibrantly fragrant with balsams almost hanging into the road. This is great I thought! I stopped to admire some tamaracks that were just beginning to turn yellow. They will turn a beautiful golden color later in the fall before dropping their needles. They shed them each year much like a deciduous tree sheds it’s leaves.

Tamaracks or larch as some call them.

I soon reached another fork in the road. Once again no signs or markers. It headed uphill and I should have given it more thought but hadn’t the lady said go until you see the FT marker? So I continued to follow the mostly flat road which eventually turned a corner around the end of a large ridge. Another ridge appeared to the right so I guessed it was probably where the fire tower could be. More walking and still no marker. I got a photo of a red squirrel carrying a large mushroom which I guessed to be non poisonous but who knows? A jumped a couple ruffed grouse back in the thick cover near the road. Chickadees suddenly filled the trees next to me and I got a nice video of them. They always seem so glad to see invaders to their woods! The road kept going and so did I. I spotted a snowmobile trail marker that led to a pond off in the low lands in the distance so I drifted off the main road to check it out. By now I realized that there was no way the fire tower was anywhere close by. This land was too flat! I had been hearing chainsaws and soon got close to a group of ranger student workers busy with logs and firewood. They didn’t see me so I decided to turn back as I wasn’t sure exactly where I was headed and didn’t want to ask directions! I returned the way I had come and when I reached the next fork I took it! It was headed uphill after all! I kept on hiking uphill for quite awhile and it seemed promising! Still no FT markers though. I was about to reconsider my options when I spotted yet another fork. This one had an FT marker! Yes success! I continued to go uphill and after passing several more markers I was rewarded with my first glimpse of the fire tower!

Cathedral Rock fire tower.

I checked out a picnic area and kiosk type display board before ascending the tower. Once there I stayed quite awhile as no one else was around. Beautiful views in all directions and I could even see Route 3 where I had left the truck. From my high perch it was easy to see the lay of the land that I had walked. I think had I approached the workers there would have been a trail near them as one leaves the mountain and heads off to where I could still hear their chainsaws. I decided to leave as I could see rain clouds off in the distance heading closer. At the base of the tower I noticed a trail marker. ESF trail 22. Hey wasn’t that the one I had started out on once? Maybe it’s the same one and a shortcut I thought! So off I went following a well defined and marked trail. But suddenly the markers were no longer there but no matter I could still see a faint trail in the leaves. I would see an occasional marker ribbon and sawn off stumps along the trail. But headed off into some old log skidder ruts the trail suddenly stopped. Blocked by fallen trees and no sign of anything. I backtracked a bit but found nothing. I could hear traffic from over where I knew the road should be so decided to bushwhack my way out. I wasn’t too keen of backtracking as I had already done enough of that for one day! To my credit the route I chose actually put me back onto the trail. Eventually the markers returned and I reached the spot where I had first ventured up ESF trail 22.

ESF 22.

In conclusion I recommend hiking to the Cathedral Rock fire tower. Stick to the road though it’s easier. As for ESF trail 22? It’s a real “catch 22”. If it was dark and there was no traffic sound a person could get lost I suppose. But not long rest assured! The gravel fire roads cross and intersect the property. You’d probably find your way out. There’s no phone service there btw! So use a map or a gps type positioning device. Or just go in blind like I did! Ask for directions that you don’t exactly get correct. Or just wander away from people who would have gladly steered me in the right direction! Stubbornness is a fault sometimes but I had a fun and meaningful experience! As I got to the truck the rain got heavier. Now well after dark it’s pounding on the metal roof of the Airstream like a group of drummers! And tomorrow is another day with new destinations to reach! MOONTABS to all!✍️

The Countdown.

March 4th. Ironically it’s been two years since I wrote the blog post “Not Just Yet”. We have recently begun work to start the 2023 maple syrup season. About 111 taps have been set with buckets but there’s a lot left to go in! The evaporator and storage tank are mostly ready so we are in good shape. We will soon dig out our short plastic tubing runs for the harder to reach trees on the side hills.We call them “mini tubes”. I will follow up on them in a later post.

Tapping on snow.

I always like to acknowledge milestones. Yesterday Zane celebrated a milestone when he successfully passed his road test. It took some time and practice but that is now behind us.It seems strange that he could have gotten it two years ago. But I never felt he was ready. I certainly wasn’t! He will be driving my old 2013 Ford Focus shortly. That will help during sugaring and cut down on my driving. Zane is a big help with the sugaring process. He’s very strong and capable at age 18. I took him ice fishing last week when he was on winter break. Fun times!It was hard to believe it had been almost two years since we had last gone!

Nice one!

I broke out the sap haul roads the other day before setting taps. There is much less snow then most years but there were plenty of downed limbs and trees to remove. I broke in the Northern loop trail on our neighbor Tom’s property where we set many of our taps these days. For two years we have ventured a short distance up into a section of his woods on the South side of his main access road. I have been wanting to cut an entire loop road through here but never took the time to get it done. There’s a nice group of easy gathering maples there that I wanted to add to our count. Wednesday I made the decision to carve out the trail and got it finished after several hours of chainsaw work. The loader was handy for moving larger logs and brush.

Blasting through!

Thursday found us tapping the new Southern loop under warm but cloudy skies. Jen and her friend Gail came over to help me get 96 taps in place. This is Jennifer’s 4th syrup season and I wasn’t sure she would be coming at all given the circumstances of our lives. We all enjoyed the simple moments of task and toil. Some moments are best not overthought and I will leave things there. Everything went well and I was happy with our progress.

Season 4 for Jen! She knows the ropes.

It’s hard to know just how this or any sugaring season will play out. Given the wild swings of weather this winter I have been a little anxious and uncertain. But one thing remained constant: we were going to make our best attempt to make it happen! When I arrived at the farm Monday the unbroken snow was like a place of ground zero. Many things still needed to happen despite the few things we had done to get ready. I find peace of mind in the motions of checking things off our lists. The old quote says that a journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step.

The first steps.

We got more snow last night but with the sap haul roads broken in today it should present no problem. Building a base of snow is beneficial to “holding” the season in place. Huge warm ups are bad and the nemesis of maple syrup producers. We like the cold nights and warm days in the 40’s. We are approaching a launch of sorts as the upcoming season inches forward. It inspires a certain mental image. I picture a NASA control room like in the movies. A line of system operators waiting to sound off prior to the countdown. I imagine myself being the leader in the imaginary control room of the sugarbush. It might sound like this: Tractor systems : go for launch. Evaporator systems : go for launch. Firewood and primary fuel systems: go for launch. Storage systems: go for launch. Getting the picture? The final countdown approaches but with some systems at “no go” status we aren’t at “T Minus 10”. But we are in motion and should reach our launch date. Weather is the key component. I estimate 7 days now.

Setting the taps and buckets.

So the snow has stopped and it’s time to get busy. These are the days of work that produce sweet results. The words will flow as the season advances and I will attempt to take you deep into a special place. It’s in the words of my former posts but time and circumstance bring new memories. New thoughts and new possibilities. So follow our progress as we launch into syrup season 2023!