The Icewalkers Return

February has rolled in and we are experiencing a real winter for a change. Snow continues to pile up and getting the sugaring roads broke out shortly may be challenging. But the weather can change quickly if we happen to get a thaw. Zane headed up to our maple syrup buyer to pick up our returned syrup barrel from 2024. They never come back right away and it was a good time to pick up a few syrup containers etc. Getting prepared never hurts that’s for sure! I was hungry for an adventure though last Monday and suggested to Zane that we ice walk down to the ice falls in the Beaver Creek gorge. We would need snowshoes but that wasn’t an issue. I decided that we would use the side by side to shortcut the section of the creek where I fallen through recently. I made us a hearty lunch of pan fried walleye! Yum!We packed up our beaver stick trekking poles, a survival pack, and the dog before taking off through the deep unbroken snow of the main meadow. It was tough going and the side by side was at its limit in the snow. Fortunately we would have our trail to follow on the way back after our trek.We were excited and ready! It had warmed up and started to rain though. We decided to go anyway.

Walleye for lunch before heading out!

We dropped down over the steep ridge just off one of the meadows in a gap that breaks up the grade. I have used this gap for years to get to the creek. We took to the snow covered ice soon after and cautiously probed our way along. The weight of the snow had flooded sections of the swamp recently and it had frozen in a cold snap after. I felt pretty confident that the ice was much safer overall then it had been on my first ice walking attempt. But there were still tricky sections to negotiate. Old beaver dams and grassy bogs that don’t freeze well we’re encountered. But the main channel of the creek was good traveling for the most part. We found some otter sign here and there where they had broken through thin ice to reach the surface. Always good places to avoid! Lucky for us they were rather obvious despite the layer of snow covering the ice.

Zane probes his way forward.

Our trip was a route we had taken many times to reach the ice falls over the years. It passed landmarks that had been named for reference points. The Island, The Small Tumbled Down Rocks, The Peninsula, and others. We left the more wooded section of the marsh and picked our way down through a more open spot known as The Wide Channel. The Wide Channel is some of the deepest water you will encounter in this section of the marsh if you are in a canoe. I trapped here as a teenager and was amazed at how deep it actually was here! Fortunately The Wide Channel will usually have some of the safest ice you will travel during the winter! But I warned Zane about the section of creek below The Wide Channel where it narrows down. It has a tendency to not freeze well some years and is best avoided. The creek consists of numerous areas of questionable ice most years if you follow its entire length. Spring holes that never freeze dump into the creek in several locations as well as smaller creeks that join in. Learning these spots is important if a person plans a more lengthy trip on the ice. These days I rarely make it past the Ice Falls themselves.

Zane heads out onto The Wide Channel.

Once we reached The Wide Channel we got our first look at the northern Ice Falls on the left side of the gorge as we headed downstream. They were quite well formed and we got quite close but weren’t interesting in scrambling through the thick brush and bony rocks to reach them. We instead headed to the far side of the gorge to the first set of Ice Falls there. However they were far smaller than usual for some reason. Zane and I decided that maybe we hadn’t received enough warm days yet for them to grow to their usual proportions. Zane crawled up to them though and played around them for a few minutes. We headed down to the next set of Ice Falls. Set 2 I call them. They were quite well formed but also were a bit smaller then normal. But they are still pretty impressive!

Set 2.

We were in for a treat when we got to the third group of Ice Falls known as Set 3. They sit up near the cliff top and it’s rather difficult to reach them. We donned micro spikes for the climb as our snowshoes were not going to help at all. Once up the the Ice Falls we were able to crawl in behind the icicles in one spot. Very fun! We found some beautiful tiny ice formations under the rocky ledge. I took a rather rough ride down north ledge on the way back down and got a big bruise on my leg from hitting a tree. This was no place to be getting hurt that’s for sure! It had continued to rain and we were getting rather damp at this point. It was time to head out and we had quite a trek out still. I reminded Zane of “The Icewalker’s Motto: The distance in must be traveled out.” Always a good thing to consider especially if you take a good soaking from falling through! But we were lucky and no one broke through. Our beaver sticks probing as we walked helped us avoid the thin spots. It had been a successful outing and I was glad that we had been able to do the adventure together.

The tiny ice formations.

It’s difficult to say whether we will return to the Ice Falls this winter. We are planning another exploratory trip to search for what we believe might be an old lakebed over in Jefferson County near the town of Oxbow. I made an attempt two years but never made it to the right location before I ran out of time and energy. One thing is for certain when it comes to the Ice Falls! They never disappoint! Nor does the trek through the marsh where we encounter active beaver colonies and their dams. It’s always a treat to see the otter sign also. They enjoy a rather safe life in this frozen sanctuary. I find the ice walk down through the gorge to be a great battery charging event for my spirit energy. There’s always something to see and always something to observe. I have ventured here many times over the years and I never tire of it. The remote location of the Ice Falls makes them special and we never see other people when we trek there. Snowmobilers used to visit them back in the 1970’s but they have gone from the creek now. The gorge belongs mostly to the birds and other wildlife who call it home. I too call it home after decades of adventures here. A true set of MOONTABS exists for me in the gorge. And a connection to nature that is never broken. It is enough!✍️

Cool formation!
Set 3.

What Color Is My Next Chapter?

November 2nd. Zane’s birthday today! It’s 5:19pm and very close to the time of his actual birth give or take an hour or two. Zane becoming 20 today really gives me pause to reflect. But honestly? When aren’t I reflecting about something? To keep it simple I must acknowledge several gratitudes. First that I am fortunate to have Zane living with me presently! Although some of his nocturnal wanderings can give me anxiety! I never know what time he will roll in. The fact that I even have a 20 year old son is noteworthy. As is the fact that we still enjoy each other’s company most of the time. So I am feeling blessed tonight ! I still have vivid memories of the evening he was born. That moment when my life would change forever.Yesterday was the 7 year anniversary of my retirement. Thursday was my last day of my full time critical shortage work on the methane project. These are the simple facts. I am about to write a new chapter of my personal life journey story! And a strange blog post title occurred to me suddenly. A continued introduction to myself in a sense. Sense becomes a key word as this new chapter begins to be written.

Change seems to be a big part of my life really but isn’t that true for everyone? In this the 1st day of the 11th month I truly begin to reflect on my year. I was fortunate to move beyond the health issues I experienced in January mostly unscathed. My daily medications serve as stark reminder each morning though. I was lucky! The universe responded to my calls in late January and a new chapter began that would see me frequently in the Adirondacks until my work would bring me back to the valley in late July. This chapter was a defining moment of my year. One of tremendous personal growth, discovery, happiness, and many special,private memories. But my growth as summer progressed did not come without bad decisions and mistakes on my part as it turns out. I was accelerating much too fast in the spin and blinded by forces that I could not comprehend. Difficult to explain or understand in some ways . Pain is a part of growth at times perhaps but a part that I would rather not experience or inflict on others. A lesson I learned too late this time to halt my impetuous forward momentum.It has cost me in emotional currency. A toll has had to be paid to keep moving in the flow. Looking back it’s almost surreal at times. The universe responds to the frequency we vibrate if you walk the paths of universal vibration and the Law Of Attraction.They are a study of mine. Sometimes we over shoot the runaway when trying to land on our feet. Will I grow from what I have learned? In time, yes!

Looking back at what I can’t change now makes me ask myself: What color is my next chapter? This I can say. Not written with black ink with dark bold letters on ghostly white paper. Cold and haunting in their intent. Black does represent something positive though. Black is the gift of night and shadow. Found in nature everywhere. I will not choose to falsely vibrant and use bright imitation man made colors that don’t resemble anything that looks like me. That is artificial and false for me. I hope to paint my next chapter with earthy browns and natural greens. The blues of sunny skies,water, and beautiful eyes. The grays of cloudy snow laden clouds filled with blinding white snow flakes falling with mesmerizing silence. The reds and oranges of the rising and setting sun. So many more colors live in nature with which to paint. Ones that invite with honest simplicity. Ones that solidify integrity and honest testimony. Truthful confession in the midst of confusion. A colorful path to seek out and follow even when I must limp up it.

What flavor is my next chapter? Bitter or sour? Distasteful and unpalatable? Served cold with a side of cynical? I am certainly not planning on that. I am hoping for the taste of fresh maple syrup on ice cream. Deliciously sweet and making you crave more of my sugar house creations. The taste of freshly picked berries plucked from dew soaked bushes on a summer morning. Raw and satisfying. Frozen to be enjoyed months later on a rainy autumn evening when baked into a pie.Or sweet fresh pressed apple cider from apples right off the tree. Tart and refreshing. A gift from nature. Most definitely maple infused coffee in a favorite steaming cup.Warming my hands as a new day begins. Those are but a few of the many wonderful flavors that enhance my life. How best to have them grace my next chapter?Share them perhaps?

What will my next chapter feel like? Freezing cold and icy with clinging frozen tears of failure that refuse to fall? Or burning hot? Scorching and searing with burning intensity? Burning bridges over raging rivers of doubt and indecision ? Thorny and prickly with hurtful wounding branches? Ripping and tearing at all they touch? No. If I am fortunate it will feel soft like delicate forest moss or the silky seed tufts of dry milkweed about to rise high on an autumn breeze. Or the soft caress of morning sunshine on my face. Maybe the softness of layers of scented pine needles on dry ground. To feel is to know you are still alive. That place where hope is found and your spirit energy resides with quiet resolve waiting to be released for a greater purpose .

What will my next chapter sound like? Raspy and harsh like a dead tree limb rubbing on a rusty metal roof ? Like squeaky hinges on a battered door hanging loosely on a neglected barn? No. I wish for my next chapter to sound like dripping sap drops falling into a bucket on a freshly tapped maple tree on a warming March morning. Like migrating geese high overhead. Strong and purposeful. Connected to nature’s call of survival. Or a buzzing honeybee landing on a clover blossom next to me. Working for the benefit of the hive. All these things and more I desire my next chapter to sound like.

And what will my next chapter smell like? Rotten and decaying like roadkill hit by a speeding driver? Left to be wasted and forgotten? Stale and musty like a moldy book? Tainted and offensive like fruit left in the sun too long?No. I hope my next chapter smells like apple blossoms in an orchard on a crisp spring morning . Like freshly mown hay on a hot summer night tickling my nose with a fragrant bounty. Like sun soaked balsam aroma wafting down onto a secluded mountain trail inviting me to stop for a moment. That’s just a few examples of what I wish my next chapter to smell like.

And you might read this far and think that I am somewhat negative in my direction of thought in this most unusual of posts. No. I am pensive and examining this moment in time. How did I get here? Why did I do certain things? How best to correct my mistakes if possible or at least and never repeat them. Ask those I have hurt for forgiveness and help them understand if that is even possible. How best to balance myself in the flow?How best to coexist with others and be kind. Learning to be a more supportive,better listener. There is no exciting destination here to send you off to with a set of directions. Not this time in this post.There is no map to the future. Just whispers from the inner spirit that needed to be written and shared as a continued testimonial of my life.Sometimes it’s hard to hear in the spin of Taz energy. Or slow it down. There is a connection to nature here. It lives in the five senses we possess and in the hidden one. The 5+1 I so often write about. This post serves to remind me of my many challenges and my personal struggles. And share that I am far from perfect. I am humbled by my own emotions at times. Lost at times to them but always trying to do better. I acknowledge and feel grateful for my many blessings. They are the mortar that holds it all together like the mud of hornet’s nest on the underside of a roof. MOONTABS come in different forms. I offer few answers but ask many questions at times. But today was a special day. A day to connect and attempt to make sense of it all. A beautiful new Adirondack destination to explore. The warmth of a campfire while snowflakes fell at times. A brief sun drenched moment on a rocky escarpment. A walk through open glades of forest where fresh beaver activity next to the pond offered a message. Prepare for winter in their case. Preparing. As in preparing to write the next chapter in my case. So what color is my next chapter? Only time can tell. ✍️

Milling Around

This post was started awhile back and there were a few technical glitches that have since been resolved fortunately! It doesn’t take long for the central theme of a post to suddenly change direction some! I originally was staying in Saranac Lake when I began writing it but am currently here at Camp Edith getting it finished. I just got fully moved in this afternoon. Amy and I have been working at getting it cleaned and ready the past couple weeks.Thursday night was our first night here and we stayed here all weekend. It’s really shaped up with some TLC! Amy has done a wonderful job transforming the functionality of the space. It’s very cozy now! I had a lot of decluttering to do!Things have wrapped up mostly on the project in Saranac Lake and I will be spending more time back here now. It’s been a rewarding experience living and working in the village. There’s plenty of work to do at the farm and some catching up to do with miscellaneous things. I recently got a gel shot in my left knee to try to relieve some of my pain and discomfort. My meniscus injury may very well require surgery but I am postponing that for as long as possible. At this point it’s still unclear how the injury even happened but it may go all the way back to last November when Zane and I tipped over the side by side one night by accident while burning off the meadows across the road at the farm. It’s the only thing that I can think of really. That was a rather wild evening of burning! But we had everything under control! Mostly… but that’s another story all together. The focus now will be shifting to resetting the sawmill and getting some logs run through it. It’s been stored in the warehouse since it got back from Winthrop in late May. I got it back out and set it back up recently one Friday night after returning from Saranac Lake.

Burning off the pond holes.

Back in February I had cut logs with my friend Gregger in his big woods up behind his home in Winthrop. I stayed in his cabin for a night and we cut logs for a couple days. We targeted hemlock for me for my Homestead cabin siding. Four trees made a rather large pile of logs. For him we cut cherry and yellow birch. With the snow covered ground we made good progress and we’re soon finished with the project. The plan was to leave the logs till spring when we could bring the sawmill up to run them through.

Stacking the hemlock.

It was mid May before I finally got the mill up to Gregger’s. I packed some food and extra gear so I could spend a night in his cabin then work a second day without doing all the extra driving. We got the mill set up and Zane came up to help out. We got a few hardwood logs run through that first day before making a nice dinner of venison and fish. Zane spent the night at the cabin with me but had things to do the next morning. Gregger and I ran a bunch more logs through the mill and stickered all the lumber up on his trailer under a tarp. Rain was a little bit of an issue but we worked around it as best we could. By the end of day 2 we had made a decent start on the hardwood log pile.

Off we go!

There was a gap in our sawmill activity when Amy and I traveled for a long weekend to the Brimfield Flea Market in Massachusetts. It was quite the event! We ended up purchasing a number of things that easily fit into her car. We tried to buy sensibly but impulse purchases of collectibles can be difficult to control! While we were in Massachusetts we traveled to nearby Connecticut to tour her former hometown. Saturday would find us on the beach at Watchhill, Rhode Island. It’s a lovely sanctuary that has preserved and will remain undeveloped. There’s nothing like the ocean to stir the inner spirit. It was our first traveling experience together and we had a really great time!

Brimfield Flea Market.

May was moving right along and there was only one week left before the Saranac Lake deck project was slated to begin. It was obvious that Gregger and I could never finish sawing his hardwood logs and all of my hemlock. I decided to truck all my logs to the Homestead instead. So we sawed during the day and I hauled a load home every night. We cut up some of the hardwood slabs to weigh down the truck also. Cut into 10” chunks they were stored in the Homestead woodshed each night to dry for the tiny cabin wood stove to be used during the next heating season. We completed all of Gregger’s hardwood logs and some hemlock he needed before finally beginning to concentrate on cleaning up his landing. I hauled a couple big loads of slab wood to the Homestead for sugarwood as part of this process.It was time consuming and tedious work but one with a larger purpose. I was beginning to get a little road weary but stayed with the pace. The final morning would find me following Gregger as he trucked the sawmill back to the Homestead.

Headed back.

I had received an offer to pick up some hemlock logs from a friend of a friend over by Sixberry Lake awhile back. I had picked up one load the day we returned the sawmill to the Homestead and dumped them off in the meadow near the warehouse.The fellow who gave them to me wanted two 14’ 6×6’s in exchange for the logs. A very fair proposition to which I readily agreed! I hadn’t gotten them done however and his July deadline was fast approaching. I picked out three decent logs but ended up needing four as one turned out to be “shaky”. Wind shake causes the growth rings in hemlock to break out when sawn into lumber. It’s not super common but sometimes happens in hemlock. The boards and timbers fall apart when shake shows up. It’s a frustrating thing when it happens and often those pieces of lumber end up in the sugar house for firewood! I ended up making the fellow three decent 6×6 timbers and one decent 4×4 timber. It seemed fair. I loaded them onto the trailer and delivered them to him where he then loaded the second load of logs for me. Prior to that I had moved all the piles of logs in the meadow up onto the landing log loading platform above the actual sawmill.

Prepping for 6×6 sawing.

Prior to delivery of the timbers,Zane and I spent the better part of Monday last week getting some pine logs that were on the log loading landing run through the mill. The pine sawyer beetles had begun to bore into them just under the bark so it was time! A couple months later it would be a different story as the beetles would have gotten inside the logs boring destructive holes through them. Nature at its finest! Sawyer beetles serve as a frontline decomposer type process that helps dead pine return to the soil. It was hot and dusty work but we managed to produce some very nice lumber. All the slab wood was dumped off the tractor loader into the big outdoor pile right outside the sugar house woodshed. Another job for another day or days most likely! We may be a little behind schedule!😂

Moving slab wood to the sugar house.

I finally got tired out from sawing and hand peeled the last three pine logs. They won’t be bothered by the beetles with their bark gone. The lumber was stickered and stashed away in the old woodshed and in the warehouse. We had to stack and haul all the dry sap buckets that had been sitting in the woodshed for weeks first though. That’s done finally at least. Lots of task oriented work to get done. I finally called it quits but felt very happy with our accomplishments. We had done a lot! It felt good getting caught up a little and working with the sawmill! Nothing like accomplishment to stir the inner spirit and charge the batteries! All that slab wood will be used for making maple syrup. Talk about repurposing! It all seemed a little time consuming. Last winters log cutting in Winthrop. Sawing logs there as payment for the hemlock logs I got from Gregger. Hauling those hemlock logs to the Homestead from Winthrop. Then turning around and going after more hemlock logs at Sixberry Lake. And all those hemlock logs still needed to be sawn! Was it really worth all the time and effort? Why not just side the buildings with vinyl siding or rough cut pine? It represents something much larger to me however. It’s all connected in some way that many people might struggle to understand. Hemlock is gone from the farm property where it once thrived. Locked in the buildings themselves in the form of timbers, rafters, and siding. To use hemlock to transform the farm buildings and the tiny cabin seemed justified in that moment to me. Who would buy siding or lumber when the means to create it lay within my grasp? What price do I place on my goals and dreams? I have insisted on hemlock siding for my building projects and hemlock we shall have in large plentiful quantities. I will create each piece with a driven mindset of determination. The time I will have invested in creating the lumber will be significant. But so will be the MOONTABS that led to its creation. That is the very level of resolve and stubborn perseverance. There is prideful rural heritage in the tasks at hand and in the deeds themselves. It will be remembered and visible long beyond this moment. That is where the message lies if indeed there is a message at all. Perhaps I simply underestimated the very magnitude of the job itself. What does it truly matter in the end? When all is finished and slab wood burns in the evaporator from those same logs what will I think then? I will know that answer I hope if I am to be so fortunate. I will be residing within those hemlock shrouded walls of the tiny cabin and standing in front of my boiling evaporator yet another March day. Why ask so many questions anyway? What is time anyway? I will never get it all done anyway say the teachings of Abraham-Hicks. It’s an inner calling these things I desire to do. It is enough.✍️

Incoming hemlock logs.

Spring Has Sprung!

Spring continues to ramp up in the valley and things have gotten very green! The grass is really growing now and lawn work is way overdue!But priorities come in many different forms when a person interacts with nature! Lately it’s been a mix of work and play! Awhile back Amy came down for the weekend and we foraged for a variety of annual forage items. We started with burdock behind the barn. We have an abundance of it and the roots are edible if they are small. We got some decent ones! No worries ever running out of them! We have many!

Digging burdock.

We next targeted chives and leeks. Chives grow all over the open fields here in great numbers. Scissors work well to collect them into a container. For leeks we headed into the forest in parts of the sugarbush. They were still rather small but very potent so they would make a nice addition to the soup we were planning to create. There’s no shortage of leeks on the farm so we harvest the entire plant unlike what others do elsewhere. Some people only harvest one leaf from each plant! That’s ultra conservative but not something we need to ever do we hope. Our patches remain sustainable for now although two former harvest areas have all but disappeared since the forest die off of 2016/2017. We will continue to harvest responsibly and believe that we can manage to maintain a balance.


Our final forage item was the water loving species we call Cowslips. There’s a nice patch near the farm where it’s easy to quickly fill a grocery bag! Scissors also work well for harvesting these greens. We target the smaller leaves as the bigger leaves and blossoms are bitter. We were a little late to the harvest but still managed to find plenty of small leaves. Our foraging items were beginning to add up!

Cowslip patch.

Now the work of cleaning our items began! Burdock is especially dirty and takes some time to prepare. Cleaned roots were chopped into small pieces that would cook down in the soup. Chives are super easy to clean and chop up. Also into the soup. The Cowslips were washed and then boiled to reduce their size. The water was discarded and our boiled Cowslips were added to the soup. We were going for an all veggie type soup so no meat was added. Potatoes were cut up as well as a few carrots. We had a nice concoction going! In the crock pot it shimmered away for several hours. The result was a hearty and healthy dinner! For Sunday breakfast I made eggs with added chives and 10 year old aged cave cheese. Interesting story there to share sometime! I also made French toast that we smothered with maple syrup! Life was good! We live in the land of plenty! Knowing how to forage enhances the connections to nature!

Cave cheese and chive eggs with French toast!Yum!

Amy had to return to the Adirondacks Sunday afternoon and I was missing her already so I decided to do some work up on the hill. There was a log that needed to be brought down for firewood that had blocked a sap haul road earlier in the season. While I was up in the Mother Tree area I targeted a bunch of invasive wild honeysuckles that were taking over the clearing. The Mother Tree was tapped this spring for the first time in years along with several others in the area. It’s a large three tree cluster that’s actually one set of roots. It easily carries 8 sap buckets! It sustained some damage during the die off but survived mostly intact fortunately. Most of the former Mother Tree Loop that we used to tap suffered grievous losses so it’s been abandoned. I got pretty wild ripping up the invasives once I got started. I may have won a small battle but we are still losing the war. See the old post “The Battle Of Evermore” for further details. Before I quit for the evening I also drew out a 16 foot butternut log that the tree trimmers had cut near the power lines by the road. It may make some nice lumber and needed to be salvaged regardless.

Ripping up the invasive honeysuckle!

The week started productively and I put down the remaining 2” planks in the former woodshed so we could stack sap buckets in there to dry. My friend Gary came to help me wash buckets after I had done 100 the prior day. We finished all of them and some other sugaring gear. I hauled water from the spring like usual as I can pump it much faster that way. There’s still the main evaporator pans to pressure wash and the big storage vat. I am running behind! I have enjoyed two days of brown trout fishing down on Henderson Harbor and out on Lake Ontario with Gary and his son. He has a nice setup for trolling! I learned something new and even drove the boat a little! I caught my first two brown trout ever and ended up eating them. They are ok but not my favorite fish! It was a great experience though and we had the water mostly to ourselves!

Getting set up for trolling!

I headed up to Amy’s on Thursday of that week to participate in a spring cleanse with her. It involves special food and drinks. Teas and no sugar to speak. We dined on a rice and mung bean dish called Kitceri although with vegetable juice we made ourselves. We were supposed to stay somewhat idle but we ended up doing a lot! I bought a bike from a local bike shop in Saranac Lake. What a great store and the owner John is awesome! Check out “Human Power Planet Earth Bike Shop”! I decided to buy local in the Adirondacks and support local small business. It was a great choice! I love my bike! We rode twice that weekend and visited the “Slow Turn” for some reflection time. Always a good idea! We also hiked into a somewhat remote pond for some water viewing nature time. Rain would slow us down at one point but we enjoyed a healthy spring cleanse that my body no doubt needed! Amy knows the ways of healthy living and she’s a tremendous help getting me to a healthier lifestyle!

Biking the Rail Trail.

Last week would find me traveling many miles! Returning from the Adirondacks Monday. Fishing Lake Ontario Tuesday. Picking up a friend at the Dexter airport Tuesday night and a trip to Cooperstown with him on Thursday. I found time to volunteer at the IRLC Ferrone Woods Preserve in the Town of Macomb on Wednesday where a new trail system is going to be developed. We had to remove some deer hunting stands and blinds as part of the transition here. It a lovely and unique parcel that I will feature at some point. Friday was spent getting caught up on some miscellaneous details. We all have plenty of those! Saturday would find me way up in Chateaugay at a memorial service. Later shopping in a favorite store in Malone. I drove up in the “Blue Bomb”. My former Ford Focus that I gave Zane that he has given back. My neighbor Mike The Mechanic has assured me that it’s road worthy again after a new timing chain and other repairs. It’s my grocery getter and farm vehicle for running errands. A new old addition to the fleet! So last week I totally romanced the road!

The fleet.

There’s lots of other things being planned and discussed right now. Time will reveal what happens next. Getting caught up some at the farm is a big part of that. But taking time to charge my batteries out in nature remains a priority and a place of focus. Writing and blogging often get tabled unfortunately. But my spirit energy is recharged through motion. Always staying on the move. My knee problem continues to be a serious condition. I manage with it. My life is shifting as part of my forward momentum. My beloved Adirondacks are once again a big part of the shift. Meeting Amy, a woman of the Adirondacks also part of my shift. Things have aligned in so many ways and life is busy but enjoyable in the push for adventure.

The wall of Ferrone.

Discoveries abound in this new and exciting blend of sceneries. Life is changing fast just like the season. There’s something big happening right now! Worthy of its own blog post! They have shown themselves! The brown ghosts of May. I speak of the morel mushrooms! I found my first one of the season Friday. They now occupy my time and my refrigerator! So watch for my next post! It will showcase this special fungi and all it means to me! It’s hard to get it all written sometimes. I will try! Mornings are best for blogging! Fueled up with maple syrup infused coffee. Playing music. Enjoying the numerous birds who inundate my feeding area behind the tiny cabin. There’s always the trails amidst the trees here to explore. Sunrises and sunsets. Meals and mundane tasks to complete. There’s always time if we allow ourselves to catch our breath for a minute. That’s difficult sometimes. We are driven by a fast moving society. I am driven by other things as well. To seek and to learn. To expand my knowledge of the natural world. And to try and preserve my health and strength. I must learn to accept new ideas and new approaches. I must evolve in a sense. The old ways of my life that were harmful must go. It’s all so overwhelming if I let all those thoughts in at once.It’s all so very simple these connections to nature when I embrace that mindset and enjoy the simple things of life. Time and an older body may slow me down eventually but for now I won’t let it. I still have way too much energy to burn. 🏄🏻‍♂️🚀

Down To Earth

It’s been awhile since my last post and like usual a lot has been going on! I managed to get final sap boil done right ahead of going up to the Adirondacks to view the solar eclipse with Amy. She’s the reason I spend so much time in Saranac Lake. I will continue to respect her wish for privacy but will be including her presence in my posts as we have adventures together whenever time permits. We had wrestled with a location to view the eclipse as a large turnout was expected for the Adirondacks. I headed up on Sunday morning ahead of the eclipse and we got out to scout a possible location near “The Slow Turn”.We went to a stand of large pines Amy named “The Wisdom Keepers” first then hiked up to a nearby ridge top. It looked promising so we decided it was going to be our location to view the eclipse.

Finding a place to view the eclipse be like…😂

Monday’s weather was great for eclipse viewing! Fairly warm and sunny. We headed out early and got settled into our spot without encountering other people. We enjoyed snacks while waiting for the main event on a comfortable blanket. I rolled in some snow that was still hanging on minus some clothes for a comic relief moment! We got a nice laugh over that! As for the eclipse itself it totally exceeded our expectations! We watched it unfold with our special glasses and when totality hit it was truly a MOONTABS moment! The temperature drop was very noticeable and the birds went quiet as the sudden darkness overtook everything. I didn’t spend valuable time trying for photos as I truly wanted to fully experience the event. And then just like that it was over! Lucky for me I was in the Adirondacks as folks back home in the valley had clouds to contend with just as it occurred! Things continue to align for me and the coincidences can no longer be called that! There’s certain forces at work it appears! I embrace the alignment that arrived on tiny wings it seemed. Manifestations do work it appears! Consider it!

Eclipse viewing ridge. Now called Corona Heights!

Upon returning to the valley I continued to try and rest my knee which has been rather painful throughout the last weeks of sugaring season. I had gotten a cortisone shot recently but it hasn’t solved my issues entirely. I went perch fishing with my friend’s out near the St. Law. River two days in a row as a way to rest it somewhat which was beneficial. We hammered some really nice perch using two hook rigs tipped with tiny minnows! They sure are tasty fried up! Yum! What a great time!

Two day perch catch!

After that I have managed to bring in the remainder of the sugaring mini-tubes and buckets. Washing buckets begins later this afternoon and it’s snowing wet snow! Zane and I rinsed the tubing last week and pressure washed all the white storage containers. Progress seems slow at times but there’s always other things going on. The forest is greening up slowly and the tiny flowers I call the “tiny ones” are thriving despite the continued chilly weather we’ve been having. The muskrats were building up their old houses again recently and shortly after the rain events occurred with huge deluges over a two day period. Inches of rain fell so their predictions came true! I never doubt their advance warnings as they have been clearly accurate far too many times to even question it. How they know remains a mystery however. Too bad I couldn’t talk to them! What wisdom do they possess that they might share? Or is it simple intuitive behavior that touches them somehow? I remain in awe regardless and never see them as simple rodents who should be considered a lesser species. Perhaps we are the lesser species in our arrogant approach to nature and in our destructive tendencies. My spirit energy hints at a larger connection that we as humans have lost somehow. That sixth sense I now call the “5+1”. It is a worthy study to continue. Time, trees, and trails of discovery!

Rising high long before the storms hit!

Last week saw me attending a TILT event in Clayton. I helped with the tern grid installation out on Eagle Wing Shoal. The common tern is plagued by gulls and other predator birds on their nesting sites. The grid keeps the bigger birds out while the smaller terns pass safely through. After that I did some trail stewardship work for IRLC to finish out my day. If you’ve never read any of my posts describing theses two local land trusts then Goggle both TILT and IRLC to learn more about them!

Construction of the the annual tern grid.It’s rather complex when completed!

All of last week’s activities were completed to free up time for a foraging weekend with Amy. I will be featuring it soon as it’s a rather interesting series of events that’s connected to my attempts at better health. Natural food sources surround us here in the valley and several exist right here on the farm Homestead property! So until then this gets things caught up a little! ✍️

Wading Through The Brambles

Choosing a title is always fun for me although this title might be a little confusing. Maybe it will make sense if you read this entire post! February is leaving us in a series of unseasonably warm days unfortunately. Many people are relishing the warm spell and I can’t say I blame them but this year’s maple syrup season is in question. I typically wait to tap trees until March 1st and this year is no exception. But the long range forecast is less then ideal. Very warm for this time of year.This may prove to be an insurmountable challenge. Recent coolant system repairs to the tractor with Mike The Mechanic seemed successful on Monday but by the time I drove it back to the farm something was horribly wrong. We need the tractor to work the sugarbush so I have a huge problem now. I had to just walk away from it as Tuesday was a fully booked day and I was scheduled to stay in the Adirondacks. So this post is headed in a direction of negative energy which will not help me solve my issues . Being here in the Adirondacks until Friday will give me time to focus. I am staying at a new Airbnb in Saranac Lake and the location is perfect for reflection . Off across the village the mountains are visible from this lofty vantage point. Today I will set my challenges aside and concentrate on the hike that’s planned. There’s a whisper in my brain where the practical side of me says not to sugar this year. The stubborn side of me says absolutely not! Good thing I don’t need to decide today! Getting outside on the trails will quiet the whispers. I need to remember something very important! I have been challenged before. Time and time again. This could be called wading into the brambles where there’s no visible path. I’m confident that I will emerge from the other side. Maybe scratched up a little but pushing forward. I needed to write this today for myself. Negativity is not the answer.

Morning moon set.

This winter has been memorable though. Remember WHIMS? Winter has its moments. Living in the tiny cabin has been good for my spirit energy. I am much closer to nature on the farm. Driving less as I am already there. Waking up and closing out my days there. It’s easier to throw myself out onto the land and get things done. I’m more inclined to wander off into nature also. At night I often stand on my tiny porch landing and gaze up into the sky. The moon has been incredible lately! Mesmerizing and hauntingly beautiful! I’ve managed to get a little snowshoeing in when we had decent depths of snow back in January and as recently as last week. I’ll be working on some stories from those excursions when I get them assembled in some worthy content. Today is not a day of creation for me it seems. I am preparing for the hike and that’s where my mind is wandering. But I wanted to clear my head some,check in, and tell you some simple truths. Everyday is not perfect or without concerns. MOONTABS is not all fun adventures. Some adventures are of a different sort. I humbly acknowledge my blessings and my struggles. I am grateful for my return to better health. For a surge of energy that’s returning. Looking forward to new experiences and time with new friends. The universe is bringing certain things together I’d like to think. Things are headed in a positive direction for the most part these days. I must accept those things I can not change and work through those things I can. It’s time to go into the forest to wander. Something’s waiting for me there. How do I know? Because it’s always been that way and forever will be that way. Connections to nature can’t be broken for me. It is enough.

Beaver Creek recently.

The Cutting Crew:The Rhythm Of Regiment

February. The turning point of winter for me.Maple syrup season is but a few short weeks away at this point. Are we ready for it?Never really to be honest! But that’s another story! It’s been a very strange winter to say the least. My health scare taking center stage as the new year had barely begun would change my direction to a degree. But I have bounced back and made some substantial progress I like to think. Also another story. But isn’t that what life’s all about? A series of stories interwoven into a journey of unknown destinations. The spirit energy rises and falls like the mercury in an an old thermometer. (Funny in this digital age that those might become unknown to younger people!)Living at the farm property that I now call “The Homestead” has grounded me in a most positive manner. Also another story! This story is way more fun to tell!

The trail is never closed.

I have been following the progress of the “growing” ice on Lake Flower as the 2024 Saranac Lake Winter Carnival loomed on the horizon. There was a February 2nd deadline for completion of the annual ice palace and the weather was going to tell the story far beyond human control. However volunteers got out on the 3.5” thick ice of early January and kept it clear of snow. Slowly the depth of the ice in what’s known as Pontiac Bay began to grow. 10” would be needed to start cutting the blocks. If you are new to this page I would suggest going back into my posts and reading about our previous volunteering activities for the project. We started volunteering in 2021 and have made some great MOONTABS! The ice continued to grow with some cold nights and chiller temperatures. The start date for the build was slated for January 22nd. I made my plans accordingly,dropping everything so I could attend day one! I dug out my old antique ice saw, contacted my room rental person, and packed my gear in anticipation of the work that lay ahead. I also invited my good friend Patrick Bourcy to come with me. Zane had to begin his second semester of college and couldn’t accompany me. A first since we had begun volunteering in 2021. It gave me pause to think about all the changes that find us along this journey of life. If you don’t remember Patrick Bourcy he’s the founder of the Facebook group “Just Go Outside”. We get together for some fun adventures when time allows. So it was on! My doctor had consoled against me using the ice saw so Patrick would be my saw buddy! I hit the road at 6am that Monday morning for the 2 hour plus trip to Saranac Lake picking up Patrick in Tupper Lake in anticipation of the 8am start time. We got there in plenty of time and after signing in waited for our instructions from the ice field foreman. Dean is a veteran of 40 plus years of ice palace building and we waited patiently for his orders. I saw a few people that I had met from previous years volunteering and we exchanged greetings like members of a class reunion. There were new faces and new acquaintances to meet as we waited for the motorized ice saw to make its appearance. All was ready.

Patrick takes a turn at opening “the chute”.

The layout crew snapped some chalk lines to get the initial ice field set up square. A chainsaw was used to open the “chute” to the excavator that would pluck the blocks of ice from the newly opened water. It’s a time consuming task but necessary for progress to begin. Once opened the chute would be opened each morning for the daily ice block harvest.You might ask how do we get to be part of the ice cutting crew? That’s easy! I showed up with my personal ice saw in 2021 and made it happen as they needed volunteers.The rest is history as they say. Making the “cutting crew” is more brawn then brains! I fit right in!😂But being a member of the cutting crew also involves playing the game of personalities! Taking orders from “several bosses” can be tricky. Staying chill is key. Learn your job and do it right. Always try to be one step ahead. It’s a team effort and there’s a rhythm of regiment that must be followed. After all we are opening the ice field and creating open water sections. Safety becomes important. So it’s a team effort and it’s best to remain quiet and follow orders! Getting kicked off the team would be a crushing blow to an Icewalker turned laborer. What’s the big deal being a cutter? Perhaps you need to be there. I have loved it from day one! But I have an obsession with ice and a compulsive love of menial task so I enter a special place out there on the ice field. There’s an air of anticipation that always seems to permeate the atmosphere. Free the blocks so the pike polers can get them to the chute so the ice palace build can start. It’s almost too intense in a comical way! We can cut the blocks way faster then they can be removed from the chute. But there’s more to it then that honestly. The cutting crew moves onto other tasks once their frozen gems are released to float the ever enlarging piece of open water. I don’t mind the push or the frenzied energy of the daily routine. It reminds me of my former years on numerous construction sites. Work is work and task is task. Wear the harness you are given and plow through each day.

The ice saw makes the block layout that we cut free.

I probably did more cutting then my doctor had advised but he had cleared me for running a chainsaw so I found my comfortable groove out on the ice field and kept it. Besides he had no clue about the size of the chainsaw I run! He never asked!😂 Besides I felt great and there was no holding be back. I had my saw buddy Patrick there with me anyway. Most years I would “stick” the field until all the cuts were made despite how tired I got. That’s how I made the crew in the first place. I had a secret weapon anyway. My super sharp ice saw was superior to anything else out there being used. So I could make it look easier then it actually was really! Hey work smarter not harder was something I had learned as an electrician apprentice many years ago.We were cutting on only 10” of ice which was the minimum that could be used. The motorized ice saw does most of the cutting. We just make the final cuts needed to get the blocks ready for the “spud crew”.

Opening the field.

So the spud crew consists of 4 individuals who strike a three block section of the ice that the cutters have prepared ahead of them. They follow us and down the ice field. It’s important that we never get cuts to far ahead of them as sections can suddenly break loose and toss the spud men into the water! Losing the ice spuds would be bad! Ice tools are valuable! 😂 All joking aside we take safety seriously! I have never seen anyone go in but have witnessed some very close calls! Zane never cared for cutting ice but could always be found on the spud crew. I was always of how he fit right in with the older men. He was strong and capable so was excepted into the group. I was missing him this year but perhaps he will get to return again.

This is the spud crew at work.

The ice cutting usually only takes about 2 hours or less and the crew moves on to other jobs. I took a job slushing in the newly placed ice blocks as the walls of the ice palace began to take shape. It’s an important part of the build acting like a mortar to freeze everything together. Patrick took a job hauling slush from the slush pit where several volunteers mix snow and water to create it. It takes many buckets of slush to “grout” in the blocks! Especially around the corners. The pike pole volunteers stay busy getting the blocks to the excavator where this older fellow Cliff gracefully plucks one after another most of the day!

Slush pit crew and the excavator crew.

It’s important to note that we never go hungry while working on the build! The coffee ladies of the Civic Committee show up with coffee and hot chocolate. Also breakfast sandwiches and sweet treats! Yum! A 50/50 mixture of coffee and hot chocolate is a favorite choice for volunteers. Lunch is provided most days by a local business who delivers the famous “ bowl and roll”. A cup of hot soup and a large buttered roll! Yum! One things for certain at this annual event: community spirit! The village pulls together volunteering and local businesses donate all sorts of things. Even heavy equipment! There’s never a dull moment that’s for sure. The ice palace build is a beehive of activity.

Grouting in the base levels on day one.

Patrick and I stayed most of the day helping out. I got a joke going with him shouting out “mud here!” when I ran out of slush! On the construction sites of my long career masons would yell out “mud here” to the mason tenders if their mortar boards needed mortar. I found it appropriate and no one knew why I was yelling it so it became even more entertaining! Patrick said he didn’t know me to the other volunteers! So lots of laughs! It’s refreshing to throw yourself into something so out of the ordinary I find. Far different then my days at the farm often working alone. It’s a nice change being around people and having fun while doing something rewarding. Day one went by super fast and the build had successfully started with no major hurdles. There was plenty of work to come in the days ahead but we had something to show for our efforts! I made plans to return for additional days of volunteering but that is another story! MOONTABS were being made in what I call “MOONTABS In Motion!✍️

A nice start!

Happy New Year!

What a strange winter so far! Mild weather continues and there’s been almost no snow. It’s been helpful getting cabin work done so that’s a positive! Things continue to move forward inside and each week shows more progress. We expect to put the Airstream away this week which will mean a transition into the cabin full time. It’s going to be a little bumpy at first but we’ll manage. The new wood stove finally showed up so that’s on the list for January. The loft was the focus last week and it’s well on its way to being finished. I am happy to report that the whitewashed ceiling was a success! I created a custom look with a combination of primer.paint, and water in equal proportions.

The loft and storage area.

We enjoyed some leisure time over the holidays which was nice. On Xmas Eve Zane and I hiked up to the mountain to have a campfire on the Low Point. It was very cloudy and visibility was limited but we enjoyed ourselves until well after dark. We chose an old pine stump for our fire and it made a wonderful blaze. The pine resin smells incredible and the flames were a bright yellow. At times they were tinged with green. The old stumps are what remains of the former pine forests that once grew there. Forest fires destroyed them and burned so hot that large sections of bare rock are all that remained. The bare rock surfaces of the mountain have changed very little in my lifetime. They are a favorite place of mine to reflect on the passage of time. The solid rock remains a constant in my life journey story. That is the draw. From the high ground the lights of the farm twinkled in the distance. Home for us these days. Hiking to the mountain was a celebration of returning to the farm full time after an 11 year absence. Dinner was waiting in the crock pot for our return.

Nice blaze!

On Christmas Day I decided to fly my drone a little. It was the replacement of the one that had crashed in Quebec last August and I hadn’t even used it once. It was a totally calm day so flying conditions were ideal. I still have a lot to learn about piloting a drone but I did ok with it. Eventually I hope to take it up to 400 feet but for now I stay below 100 feet. It takes good photos that go right to my phone. It also can copy to an SD card if I prefer that option. I safely brought it to a landing when the battery began to run low.Mission accomplished!

The homestead.

We fired up the sawmill recently and ran a monster log through. A 12’ salvage log from our neighbors at camp. One of those that was mentioned in my last post. It sawed out some beautiful boards and planks that will be used in the woodshed project at some point. It still needs a floor in one section. It will make a nice multipurpose building once we close it in more. The old Roundoak wood stove in the cabin will be repurposed to heat the woodshed eventually. But that project must wait for now.

That’s a whopper!

I recently asked for a favor at a local restaurant where we hang sometimes. It’s called the Iron Horse Cafe and it’s one of the nicest places near us. Morristown isn’t a long drive for us and it’s easy for friends to meet us there. On their menu they had poutine and several different types of hamburgers. I asked the waitress if the kitchen would make me an “A La Poutine”. It’s a fully dressed hamburger smothered with gravy and poutine. They were willing to make it and it turned out pretty good. However their poutine is made with mozzarella cheese so I asked the owner if I could bring cheese curd for it the next time I ordered one. No problem he said! I first learned about A La Poutine in Quebec a couple years ago on our way home from our fishing trip. A local had suggested we try it! It’s a big entree and difficult to finish in one setting! I ordered several pounds of cheese curd from a producer in Clayton. The business is owned by the Bechaz family who uses milk from their own dairy farm to make the curds. It gets made on Thursdays so I made sure to grab it that same day! I took 2 lbs into the Iron Horse and gave one to the owner to try. The other went to the kitchen for my A La Poutine. It turned out fabulous! I couldn’t finish it so brought the rest home to share with Zane. I don’t know if the Iron Horse will ever have it on their menu but I do believe they will make it for us again sometime! Bechaz Riverdale cheese curd is the best I have ever tasted! I am getting hungry just thinking about it! I may try to make it myself sometime! It a hearty meal that just may be bad for my heart!Try it out for yourself!

A La Poutine!

So that’s pretty much it lately. Eating,drinking,and being merry to a degree.Lots of work on the cabin and lots of other miscellaneous details that come with life. As I reflect on the year just past I am amazed at how fast it seemed to go by. But it was a year of adventures and plenty of hard work. Each season brought many blessings to us. Good health and good fortune. Zane’s graduation was a big event as was his starting college. It wasn’t a big year for travel although our fishing trip to Quebec was epic! As was my 2 week Adirondack sojourn. I can say exactly when the cabin will be finished but it’s going to be awhile. There’s the remaining siding to complete and the remaining sections of the deck. I suppose I shouldn’t get so frustrated by the amount of time it’s taking. It’s a very custom build after all. Life is good here at the farm. It will be different not living in the camper but I won’t miss buying propane for the furnace. I am glad that I got good use out of the camper and have enjoyed it immensely.Perhaps I will travel with it in 2024. I am hoping someone will wish to join me but I am prepared to run solo if that’s necessary.

Drone time.

As for 2024 I am patiently waiting for the ice to form and the snow to fall for a return to ice walking. There’s an upcoming trip to California to kick off this year’s travel. As for maple syrup season I am not sure at the moment. We are seriously lacking firewood and there’s a few issues with the tractor. We will be returning to the Quebec bush in August once again. That reminds me that I never completed the bush living series I started! That’s ok as the photos will remind me of our special week and the memories will return like a film. My spirit energy will need a good battery charging soon that’s for sure. Each day starts with maple syrup infused coffee here at the farm. Life is good and the land grounds me with purpose and resolve. I can’t predict how tomorrow will turn out. All I can do is push forward and try to make good decisions. Writing will be a part of my 2024. That is a given. There are plenty of stories left to be told! MOONTABS await!✍️

My Xmas trees this year.

Prepping For:The Return To the Bush

Time passed quickly. One moment it seemed our Summer 2023 bush adventure was so very far away. But little by little it drew closer. Months became weeks that became days. We started planning much earlier this year. 10 people had expressed interest in going with our party as we had a large cabin rented. One by one they dropped away until a mere 7 remained. Our friend Gregger held at a meeting at his camp to finalize plans two weeks ahead of our trip. 6 attended and shortly after another person dropped from the trip. We were to be a group of 6 in the end. It would take 2 trucks to get us to the outfitter’s landing. Our destination was approximately 375 miles away in western Quebec. The same location as last year so that took some of the travel unknowns out of the equation. Not to mention it helped immensely knowing what we should bring and what not to bring. I started packing early on to avoid the hasty method I had used in 2022. Our pile of gear began to grow in size next to the wood stove at Camp Edith.

The pile grows.

I wanted to bring along some extra gear this year that would enhance the visual aspect of our trip. I rigged up a Gro Pro style mini camera on my old hard hat for hands free video recording. I also purchased a small drone that would work in the absence of cell phone service. I purchased Best Buy Total Protection insurance for it as well. Just in case of an accident. My biggest decision came down to renting a satellite phone. We had decided that it was a good idea to have one. I ended up purchasing one after getting a price for renting one. A no brainer considering the promotional offer I took advantage of with a long term strategy in mind. The satellite phone arrived over a week before our trip and I got familiar with its basic operations. Tested it a few times as well. It’s supposed to work just about anywhere in the world. We would soon see!

Iridium Satellite phone with accessories in a waterproof case.

Another situation that had to be addressed was learning to pilot the drone. Zane has one that he seldom uses but I wanted my own. We test fly both drones one windy Saturday over my Uncles meadows where the hay had been cut already. Losing them is always a possibility and my insurance doesn’t cover that! We had a great time despite the wind almost taking off with Zane’s! Mine uses my phone for its main screen. A feature that would come in handy in the bush. I got pretty comfortable with it rather quickly but like to fly with a line of sight method. Not desirable when I begin to fly to upper elevations. It’s going to take some practice! Flight times would vary and drone batteries draw down after around 30 minutes of flight. During the trip they would need to be charged which was no problem as we had already planned to bring our 2200 watt Honda inverter generator. Battery charging for our phones had been a problem in 2022. We would have no cell service but we all use our phones as cameras. Charging becomes necessary.I put together a special suitcase just for cables and electronic gadgets. Extra batteries, operating instructions, and a surge protector power strip were part of its contents.The drones as well. This trip was getting expensive fast!

Zane’s Snaptain.
Testing mine at the farm. Also a Snaptain product.

Next on the list was the fishing equipment. I purchased jigs, bait floats, sinkers, and small hooks. I strung 2 new Pfleuger reels with Spectra Power Pro braided line. Unbelievably strong and rather invisible. Moss green 15 pound test is my favorite. It will rarely break and has little to no stretch. Perfect for walleye fishing! I also bought 2 new rods for us. 5 of them would be broken down and stored in a plastic rod sleeve I bought years ago for a fly in bush trip. Worth every penny for the protection it gives. A 6th pole would have to travel full length. We travel with an abundance of gear. 6 reels in a padded case and 6 poles just for us. Breaking down on a one week long trip is no good so we bring plenty of fully functioning backup. I streamlined my 4 bait trays to fit into a soft sided carry holder. Grippers, hook outs, mouth spreaders, and scissors were stored there as well. Keeping the fish uninjured and released quickly is part of our mindset. Having the proper tools enables us to do just that. But we certainly don’t release all of them! Some get eaten! We also use a rubber net. Things don’t tangle like they do with a mesh net. Our old Hummingbird fish finder was also packed. I didn’t take the time to test it prior to going on the trip. Something I would later regret! I restocked our jig assortment with a variety that was mostly blue. Blue had proven to be the hot color in 2022 on our lake.

The charging station pre-trip.

Of course there’s a lot of other things that need to be packed for a bush trip! Clothes,rain gear, life vests,and basic toiletries. I pack a rather extensive medical/first aid bag. I even brought a 2 piece Epipen unit due to the possibility of allergic reactions that I have been getting on occasion. We would be living in a very remote location and safety is important to me. Not just my own and Zane’s but everyone. The pile of gear kept growing and we hadn’t even gotten to food yet! Food goes into a plastic tote for ease of transport. Mostly non-perishable items and canned goods. We take a small cooler for milk,eggs, and hotdogs. You never know when you might not catch fish! It been known to happen! Lac Echoani in 2016. Two days with no fish fry! So what did I forget? The sleeping bags and pillows into a tote? Check! Small cooler for bait? Check! The team record book and pen from last year? Check! Things were adding up! Little by little I gathered up everything. I even remembered my 2way radios for the 2 trucks to communicate once we lost cell phone service in Quebec. And never, never forget the Canadian cash to pay the outfitter! The exchange rate was over 25% just before we left. Passports? Check! The amount of preparation time this year amazed me! But I wanted everything to flow without any glitches!

The Team Record Book.

So that’s how it all began well before our trip even started. Preparation pays off in the long run. We were all pretty excited for our week away! A chance to change our routines and break free from the valley here. A destination that would renew our spirit energy. Reunite old friends and bring in a couple new ones. A place where I would bond with my son each and every day. Life would soon be changing for him as he would be starting college soon after our trip. Out there in the bush country of the ZEC adventure awaited us. Weather the unknown variable but planned for regardless with a nonchalant attitude. Memories would be made. Our inner batteries would be recharged by tugging walleyes trying our sunken bait. Life would be very different as we synchronized to the schedules of feeding walleyes. To experience it is to truly live for the lovers of wild country. A chance to live free of the schedules of a man made society. In the bush life marches to the sound of a different drum. Oh Btw! I almost forgot the Keurig coffee maker and pods! When you travel with a generator such luxuries are possible. So check! Didn’t forget a good supply of maple syrup! Double check! There’s still a whole lot of tales to tell here! ✍️

More Milestones

It’s just two days after Zane’s graduation and I have gotten used to the new reality.In the weeks leading up to it however I was subject to periods of intense reflection. Always the question of the passage of time and where it has gone. When Zane was born I had done the math to that the far off year of his graduation and what my own age would be then. It seemed like such a long time away! I rarely thought much about it as the busy days of work and endless details occupied my time. Zane and I had talked quite a bit about graduation the past few weeks honestly and all that was coming next for him. I likened high school graduation to yet another milestone in life. One right up there with getting a driver’s learning permit, taking a road test, and ultimately getting a driver’s license. I hadn’t really considered it but his graduation was also a milestone for me. My son is fast becoming an adult with adult decisions to consider.My thoughts were a mix of memories and plans for this new future reality. But like many events graduation will soon be far behind us as the days of summer truly begin post solstice.

Zane and I have been fortunate to be able to spend more time together as the final days of school wound down. We threw ourselves into the woodshed project getting the skids secured to the upper wall sections. We started putting the floor boards down as well. I moved it one Saturday recently without really planning that as the project of the day. I had gotten curious as to the best way to hitch to it so I backed up to the middle oversized timber and chained it to the lowered tractor drawbar. I was thrilled when the tractor’s hydraulics easily lifted the end of the building clear off the ground! It rested on the back sections of the skids and I realized that I could probably easily pull it! So off I went with it with no hesitation! It dragged well but I stopped to take a photo and check things out.

The skidding process.

Turning suddenly became my new big obstacle. I was hitched very close to the building so short turns were going to be impossible. I adjusted my hitch and was able to get the woodshed close to where I wanted it but not exactly. After a series of maneuvers and hitch adjustments I got it to what I thought was the right spot. We had cleared a section of the sugarbush very close to where the sawmill is located. Unfortunately I had to cut a small maple to get the best location cleared and scraped. There’s a nice vein of bedrock that comes to the surface along the edge of the meadow. The bedrock would make an excellent foundation point so the shed would never settle. I unhitched the tractor and began to jack up the woodshed to begin the leveling part of the project. I got nicely started but soon realized that the front of the woodshed would be far too high once leveled. So the only thing to do was drag it forward where the grade was less. This involved additional hitching and dragging but I got it in place finally. Now I could get back to the jacking.

Collateral damage was minor during the move. Rocks were a problem.

The 8000 lb rated Bulldog jack works well for this type of project. I got a nice start on the support piers but a sudden rain storm suddenly cut my work short. I stuck it out as long as I could but eventually had to quit for the day. The dry spell is over for the time being and we have gotten some decent rainfall. The wildfires in Canada are still raging though but the smoke is gone so nobody thinks too much about them really. My email was never answered about volunteering to help out so I have given up on the subject. After a day of intense clearing and burning next to the woodshed site I seriously began to doubt my abilities to handle the volume of smoke it would entail. Call it a lesson of sorts I suppose.

A hot sweaty day of eating smoke prior to the woodshed move.

Last week we went downstate to do a drywall project for a friend of ours.It ran Tuesday till Friday and tied up most of our week. Our friend Vern went downstate with us to drywall so we were a three man team mostly.We had to spend three nights in a motel way too close to the interstate. But fatigue has its benefits and I actually slept rather well after the first night. The weekend was dedicated to a party and graduation itself on Sunday. Just like that a week had passed!

One room of several we worked to drywall.

Sunday evening I found myself alone post graduation ceremony. I decided to break out the tandem Old Town kayak for a paddle back at Camp Edith. The skies were cloudy and distant thunder would rumble from time to time but I wasn’t too concerned. After sitting in the steamy Hammond Central School for the ceremony I needed some proximity to the water. Gracie rides well in the front of the kayak and is a super chill watercraft dog until you get close to shore. She always wants to jump out first.It was nice out on the lake and an approaching storm sent most of the fishing boats scrambling for home. Soon Gracie and I had the lake to ourselves! Rain began to fall slightly but it wasn’t bad so we continued our paddle out onto the big section of water the locals call Broad Lake. It can be a tricky place to be on Black Lake sometimes as it’s susceptible to wind and produces some very large waves! I go there on purpose sometimes to test my kayak skills in the whitecaps.Gracie and I had just reached Broad Lake when it began to pour! We headed back but the heavy rain continued and we were soon totally soaked! It felt great actually! The two of us alone on the big water on a water logged adventure! Dry space awaited us back at camp and we arrived happy and refreshed!

Recent fishing excursion. Gracie is not going to lose her spot!

The adventures this summer have been a bit different then the past few years. Much more work oriented. It’s time to transform the farm into something more. The progress has been rewarding and I suppose the successful moving of the woodshed was a milestone of sorts. Things are falling into place slowly but surely. Time continues to speed past. Today saw us completing the jacking and support piers of the moved woodshed. We finished just before a huge rainstorm once again saturated the farm. More rain continues to fall tonight and the humidity follows each storm. July looms just around the corner now. There’s much to be accomplished before the end of summer. More milestones await us. Our end goal is simple: turn the farm into a sanctuary where spirit energy waits to be renewed. A place where we dream big and create lasting memories. MOONTABS we call them!

Goofing in the rain! School is over!