Revenir En Arriere Aujourd Hui

Time has gone by quickly as I so often write about on this page. Today is a special day as it is the day we return to the bush country of Quebec,Canada! We will travel for some 7 hours total. The final 2 hours of that journey on unpaved and rather bumpy gravel roads before we reach the outfitter’s beach landing. No getting lost like last year! I have taken great pains to pack carefully. We return to Lac Dumoine. A homecoming to a place that was new to us once. Much of it still is new to us. We have not explored its many bays and extensive shorelines! The grand adventures begins!

The gear pile.

I once read that these lives of ours are a game of sorts. Not one to win but rather to play with all the goodness within us.For me there is often no one clear and certain path.The game is played wherever I chose to plant my feet.My destiny is all encompassed under endless skies.Stretching out to all horizons far and near.Above,below,and upon this earth. Always searching and forever adrift. My energy fueled by the inner spirit can’t be harnessed or tamed. On a journey of knowledge and seeking a greater understanding of life itself. For my heart beats fast for my lovely mistress Mother Nature with enduring passion and the most purest love. She beckons me to come see what’s on the other side of the next hill. Forever wild and free at heart. Age will not defy me.Until some fateful day when my mistress calls me home to her. To clasp me in a gentle final embrace. It is and will always be enough.

Connection via the satellites.

So here we go! Packed and ready at 3:30 am. Just finished my maple syrup infused coffee. Tonight we will sleep far from here. Travel and adventures waiting for us! Good friends along for a reunion of sorts. My son as well. I must seek out my tiny friend Mr. Jangles. Offer terms of peace with a truce. A new day begins!

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