Clowning Around At The Ice Palace

Mid February arrived yesterday and we have returned to winter weather. It’s actually snowing right now and we got about 5” over the night. Over the past few weeks we’ve had some unbelievably warm weather! It hit 52 degrees February 3rd. At the time of writing this the Saranac Lake Winter Carnival has come and gone. The Ice Palace lies in a giant pile of some 3000 plus blocks.Torn down and forgotten to most people. But a success story in its brief moments of glory. The warm weather had threatened it severely and it was blocked off at one point for safety reasons. It becomes a liability unfortunately and gets torn down soon after carnival. I never got to see the final palace in person as I had to get busy back here in the valley with other projects. But from the pictures it was quite the final build! This story centers on my final days of of volunteering.

Tarps were placed to protect the palace.

Patrick Bourcy and I had decided to head up to volunteer once more on Monday January the 29th. The ice palace was moving along nicely despite work being canceled on the previous Friday due to warm temperatures and heavy rain. I had stayed up to volunteer that Thursday but received the word that the build was canceled for Friday. Since my room was already booked I stayed in town and wandered downtown for some dinner. I talked to some people I knew who were out and made some new acquaintances before the evening was over. Getting most people to tell their stories is easy once you get them started! It’s an interesting part of any adventure for me. I watched a number of individuals participating in karaoke at the Waterhole before walking back to my rental. Great entertainment and some of them were very talented! I am not a karaoke singer but encouraged one fellow to get up and sing a song that I recommended. He sang Rooster by Alice In Chains. A grunge era classic and the crowd loved his performance! I made the best of my last evening there and enjoyed my walk back beside the quiet streets. Living at the farm homestead does not offer those kinds of moments. It’s nice at times just to have a little social interaction. A throwback to my former days decades ago but very different for me now. Time has changed many things. Me most of all. And I have wandered far from the story. But I wanted to try and capture a little something of the energy of the village itself. The lights of the Hotel Saranac lighting up the night sky over the town. Noisy revelers heard in several of the bars I passed on my walk back closed doors where they were busy talking about who knows what topics. There’s a certain romantic charm hanging over the village where most have settled into warm confines as I walk the streets alone to return to my own cozy space for the night. Perhaps you must experience it. Perhaps it’s just me. Distant yet part of something at the same time. That’s pretty heavy! 😂

The drive up Monday. Music and watching for deer in a blurry quick photo.

I met Patrick Bourcy Monday morning in Tupper Lake and caught up on recent news on the short drive to Saranac Lake. We had both decided to support the Creepy Carnival theme and had brought masks. He’s a big Friday The 13th fan so his Jason mask was no surprise. I had my leftover Halloween costume from my October stay at Birch’s Lakeside in Cranberry Lake from when I participated in the Halloween party there. We hit the ice prepared! Ice saw in hand and ready for action! Lots of laughs and some pretty funny photos!


The ice cutting went by way too fast it seemed. There were lots of volunteers and we were disappointed that that didn’t cut a lot more. But we had a good time and wandered over to help the ice carvers for awhile. It was a pretty warm day really so getting cold wasn’t a problem. People loved our costumes and we got in a bunch of photos!

This one showed up!

We spent a lot of our day making slush and hauling it up to the palace. I had no interest in walking the now much higher walls. The palace was growing nicely and there was an abundance of volunteers so finding a job was challenging at times. But we managed to stay busy and the day would pass. Part of me wanted to return to finish the ice palace but I knew that I couldn’t spare anymore time there. Due to everyone’s tremendous effort the ice palace was finished on time for the opening date of Winter Carnival. Photos of the fireworks were awesome and Patrick Bourcy was actually there that Saturday with his daughter to see them.

Shaping up nicely!

In reflection I am very happy that Patrick and I got to volunteer with the build this year! It’s always a great time! I hope to return next winter to continue my trend. This made year 4 for me assisting as a volunteer. I’d go everyday if I could figure out how to rent the time properly. That’s hard to calculate with the weather being such a wild card. But it’s very far in the future now it seems. Or is it? Time speeds by quickly and those things that seem so far away often find us quicker then we expect. My time in the Adirondacks is the ultimate battery charging moment. Throwing energy into beautiful settings and into life changing moments. The farm homestead grounds a piece of me yet the call of the wild beckons always. Finding the balance is the goal. Perhaps I have already found it. Things can cloud the mind and hide the sun at times. Overthinking can be detrimental but focus remains important to me. I do know this: I am searching for something. Beautifully elusive and connected to nature in a grand series of invisible dots. I don’t know what waits for me out there over that next hill. Or even who will join me in this grand wander of time and circumstance. But isn’t that what awakens our spirit energy? Hope and belief in the future? The exciting arrival of new seasons and new adventures? MOONTABS continue to add up with each passing day. All kinds. Life is unpredictable. I’m happy. I’m sad. I’m just ok. Blissfully lost in simple moments or bogged down in heavy mud. But I am moving forward. Making better health decisions and following most of my doctor’s orders. (Sawing ice wasn’t on my list of rehabilitation exercises!)I can’t control many things but I can control my reaction to those things when I choose that level of resolve. Writing here on this page is a good place to settle my thoughts for a few moments in time. Remember those forests of Tazmania? That fictional destination I take you where you might get lost or be lost right about now? Don’t worry I’ll get you back! I’m wandering around there identifying trees in the forest. The snow continues to fall and add up here at the tiny cabin. What to do next…🤔✍️

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