My journeys in nature started some 58 years ago. I can’t remember my first steps as a baby.Who does? I do remember the need I felt to spend time outside in my earliest recollections. Journeys are the stories of our lives. All beginning with that first step. My first step into writing a blog might be best compared to a leap. Writing down my observations certainly not new to me. The story of the origins of the energy that would drive my hand must wait for now. It’s as winding and twisting as the vines of the forest bittersweet. Round and round the tree they grow headed for the canopy where the sunlight is the most intense. The tiny berries beautiful to some if they spot them.If I am the bittersweet at 58 my vine enters the canopy in its continued push for the sunlight. You have entered the “spin”! That place where I will begin to stray from my original message! I offer my personal invitation to follow the growth of my vine in the forest. My vine doesn’t grow in a flawless forest. Groomed and trimmed into something artificial. Nature is very real. Full of life and death. Struggles and survival.A balance of connection. My connections to nature are real.Grounded in the past and present. This vine thrives in the elements. That is the simple message. I thank those who have nurtured my vine. Family,friends,and the special lady I know as Adk Girl. My Facebook followers of the past two years. My administrator Gerry (my cousin and friend!) who patiently works with me. I must also thank my late father. For he raised me in a rural farm setting here in the St.Law. Valley. Encouraged and taught me the ways of nature. I also thank my son Zane! His love of nature and adventure fuels my energy. I ask everyone to leap into the forest of blogging with me!Why wait? The words can’t once the spin begins.
Category Archives: Welcome
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