Catching A Breath

It’s been a busy week since I flew into the Clearwater,Florida International Airport last Sunday. Things went smoothly leaving the airport in my rental car.Technology amazes me as I try to dive deeper into depths that are sometimes unknown and unchartered for me. Jennifer took care of most of my travel arrangements prior to my departure. It was my first time using an electronic boarding pass on my IPhone and the process was seamless. Basically all I needed to do was show my passport and everything flowed without a hitch. The first thing I did when I got into my rental car was connecting to its screen. Very simple and with that simple action Siri responded to all my needs. The need for a road atlas has become obsolete but I always carry one in my truck just in case. There’s a certain comfort having a hard copy behind the seat. However when traveling alone there’s also a certain comfort with Siri doing the navigating and supplying my music. The streets were packed leaving the airport and with Siri talking me through the turns I could focus entirely on the highway. The highways leaving the airport were choked with speeding drivers and I needed to join the pack with no hesitation. I had been rented a Kia Forte sedan and it proved nimble with adequate horsepower. I settled in and soon left the fray in the distance. At 80 mph the distance passed quickly and Siri even notified me when speed traps had been reported. My goal was simple. Reach my rental property before dark. I successfully accomplished that mission and the rest has become history. Busy days hanging out with my friend Norm getting the grand tour of their home base around Lake Rousseau. The fishing was poor despite our attempts so we turned our attention to destinations. Historical locations soon became a focus and we made the rounds. Siri continued to be a trusted and reliable source for directions. We kept busy all week and were favored with great weather! Back home in upstate New York the temperatures were low with wind chills keeping folks inside. The locals in Florida thought it was cold but I found the weather awesome! As for this post I need to keep it short as boarding for Plattsburgh has begun. So much for catching my breath after a very windy and dark ride down this morning! My feet hit the floor at 3am for some quick coffee before the 100 mile plus trip. Once again Siri came through although I had my doubts for a few minutes.

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